Sigourney Weaver excitedly collects the International Goya and remembers her voice actor, Mara Luisa Sol | EUROtoday

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The actress Sigourney Weaver has collected excitedly and, in some moments, with a speech in Spanish the worldwide goya from the fingers of the director JA Bayonawhom he has affectionately known as 'Jota'.

Bayona, who directed her in 'A Monster Comes to See Me', a piece for which she was nominated for the Goya for Best Supporting Actress, welcomed her on stage with a bow. “She is a legend. The queen.”

Words that the actress was grateful for when she noticed the viewers on their ft, applauding her arrival. “You make me feel like a queen.”

Thanks to my friend, film teacher, Thank you for such a nice speech and congratulations -for your film and the Goya awards you received-. “I really feel a deep honor to be right here tonight with all of you and obtain this award from you Jota.”

The Snow Society, an avalanche of excessive cinema, wins 12 Goya awardsTHE WORLD (VIDEO) / RAL TERREL | EUROPA PRESS (PHOTO)

Weaver has praised the “extraordinary household of artists and filmmakers of Spanish cinema. “I am full of gratitude,” she stated upon receiving recognition from a rustic that has produced so many cinema masterpieces akin to 'Viridiana' by Luis Buuel or the latest 'The Snow Society' by JA Bayona, “a film of such delicacy and beauty”.

The actress has recalled that she has by no means wished to disappoint the general public in selecting her roles and has talked about how proud she feels to be an actress.

I have never wanted to repeat myself; “I’ve all the time been in search of tales for ladies that remind us that we’re highly effective and wonderful,” she noted.

Amusingly, he has had a very affectionate memory for the dubbing actress Mara Luisa Sol. “It needs to be right here too,” he defended before a standing audience.

“He has dubbed me in additional than 30 movies. My good friend Bill Murray – an actor – all the time says that my interpretation is best in Spanish. My voice actor needs to be right here. I thanks from the underside of my coronary heart.”

“Mary, I hope you're watching tonight, as a result of I thanks from the underside of my coronary heart.”he stated before the audience.

And he concluded by highlighting the great honor that receiving the award has meant. “I wish to come yearly” and he said goodbye with a warm “benefit from the evening, my associates.”

Sol: “I used to be very excited”

The actress Maria Llusa Solwho dubs Sigourney Weaver in Spanish, explained this Sunday that she felt as if she were dreaming when she heard the recognition of the North American actress on television during the Goya awards gala, since she could not attend the event. because they invited her a day and a half in advance.

Upon collecting the award on Saturday night, Weaver dedicated these words to his dubbing artist in Spain: My friend Bill Murray He always says that my interpretation is better in Spanish. The excellent actress who provides the voice in Spanish should be here on stage with me. She has dubbed me in more than 30 movies, her name is Maria Llusa Sol. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, she said.

In a radio interview RAC-1 This Sunday, the Catalan dubbing actress recounted, hours later, how she experienced the moment: I was at home, sitting, and I got up and I said: 'It can't be'and I stayed looking, as if dreaming, excited and surprised, explained Sol, who pointed out that it is very nice that an actress like Weaver recognizes the work of a person who makes her work in another language fantastic, which shows highlights that the dubbing profession exists and that these actors are not invisible, he added.

Having just turned 85, the voice actor has acknowledged that in her extensive career this is the first time that an international star has publicly recognized her work: It's impressive, it was very nice, I am very happy for myself, for my profession and for my colleagueshas underlined.

Sol has explained that she could not go to the gala because she was invited a day and a half before and she could not arrange to attend. He also ventured that they must have contacted him from the Goya organization. when they found out that Weaver was talking about heralthough they did not reveal anything about the content of the American actress's speech.

Sol has explained that she is going to try to contact Weaver to thank her and convey to her everything that he has meant to her after having dubbed her in dozens of films. Sol is a reference for dubbing in Spain and has given voice to actresses such as Glenn CloseSusan Sarandon, Jamie Lee Curtis, Judi Dench, Faye DunawayHelen Mirren, Vanessa RedgraveJane Fonda, Jacqueline Bisset o Diane Keatonamong other.