the far proper and the proper welcome the measure, the left “worried” | EUROtoday

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While Gérald Darmanin introduced, on Sunday February 11 in Mayotte, a constitutional revision supposed to remove land regulation within the Indian Ocean archipelago, political reactions are rising.

The far proper welcomed this announcement, whereas believing that it shouldn’t be confined solely to Mayotte. “Why don’t all French people deserve what the Mahorais deserve? Land rights must be abolished throughout the national territory! »asked on the social network the president of the Reconquest party, Eric Zemmour.

Guest on BFMTVMarion Maréchal was delighted that the Minister of the Interior went “finally take into account the need to abolish land rights in Mayotte”whereas regretting that he doesn’t lengthen this measure “to the entire French territory”. “What the Mahorais are experiencing today, the metropolis will experience in a few years! », added the granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, who will lead the list of the Reconquest party! for the European election of June 2024.

On CNewsNicolas Dupont-Aignan, president of Debout la France, judged that “the situation in Mayotte is not only linked to land law, it is linked to the resignation of the State on our borders, to the presence of pro-migrant associations financed by the State”claiming “a referendum on the end of land rights for all of France”.

” FINALLY ! », rejoice the Republicans

Greeting “strong announcements”the Les Républicains (LR) deputy for Mayotte Mansour Kamardine requested that the abolition of land rights in Mayotte be included in the draft constitutional law on New Caledonia, the examination of which will begin next month in Parliament.

” FINALLY ! On the island, 50% of the inhabitants are foreigners. Our proposed constitutional regulation has supplied for this for 1 12 months”, rejoiced the president of the Republicans Eric Ciotti, thanking Mr. Kamardine for “his work for the Mahorais”.

“We had tightened the land law during the immigration law when the government had not planned it and of course the Constitutional Council censored it. In short, as soon as a law has been promulgated, new measures are already needed! This run-of-the-mill policy is powerless to really solve the problems”, reacted Bruno Retailleau, president of the LR group within the Senate.

For the left, it’s “the end of the right of the ground”

On the left, the Socialist Party (PS) will oppose this revision of the structure, introduced the pinnacle of deputies Boris Vallaud on France 3. “Will the constitutional revision of land law change anything in the situation in Mayotte? »he asked. “I don't believe it, that's why I am not in favor of revising the land law in Mayotte, which is already under the influence of a legal regime which is much more severe for obtaining French nationality than all the rest from France “he stressed. “Soil rights are not negotiable”he insisted.

The environmentalist deputy Aurélien Taché denounced him on BFM-TV “the door open to the end of land law in our country”. “Why would a common law department of the French Republic have a different law applied to it than the other departments? I'm worried about the Pandora's box this may open; If Marine Le Pen is elected, she will abolish land law”he lamented on.


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“Darmanin announces the end of land rights in Mayotte and the far right applauds this new ideological victory. After breaking the taboo of national preference, Macronie attacks the very concept of nationality, the foundation of the Republic. And they still dare to present themselves in the jump-off? », rebelled MEP Manon Aubry, head of the list of La France insoumise in the European elections.

The environmentalist MEP, head of the list of Ecologists for the Europeans, Marie Toussaint estimated on his side that “ending land rights in Mayotte will not resolve the territory's difficulties, but it will damage our Republic. The demolition of our values ​​by a President of the Republic who is ahead of the far right is a terrible step backwards.”

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