a invoice tabled “before summer”, in line with Gérald Darmanin; blockades proceed on the island | EUROtoday

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The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, introduced, Monday February 12, that the invoice regarding Mayotte could be tabled ” before summer ” ; “several moments” shall be potential, in line with him, for the examination of the constitutional reform as a way to remove the suitable of soil on the island. He specified that the delegate minister answerable for abroad territories, Marie Guévenoux, would return “in a month in Mayotte” and that he would go there “in three months, when (…) The law project “ will be ready. According to the minister, this will be a “emergency bill, but which will not only cover migration issues because Mayotte is also a magnificent territory”.

The island is still paralyzed by Mahorais who have installed roadblocks since January 22 to protest against insecurity and immigration, which they consider uncontrolled.

Strongly criticized by the left, which has already announced its refusal to vote on the text, the shock measure was unveiled on Sunday by the Minister of the Interior and the Minister Delegate during a lightning visit to the Indian Ocean archipelago . The executive intends to initiate the necessary constitutional revision without delay. “We have to go very quickly”the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, announced on Sunday. “We’ll see the president later, late in the afternoon,” to make him “a return from our trip”said M.me Guévenoux, Monday at the microphone of Franceinfo.

In Mayotte, on Monday, the barges which connect Grande-Terre and Petite-Terre were still stopped and the dams in place. “It is out of the question to lift the roadblocks for the moment”declared in the morning to Agence France-Presse Safina Soula, the president of one of the citizens' collectives.

Read additionally | Article reserved for our subscribers The abolition of land rights in Mayotte, a measure desired by the intense proper with unsure penalties

Letter from the minister awaited by the demonstrators

“We have agreed with the minister, we are waiting for written documents”she clarified, before adding: “We are giving him until Wednesday to receive this letter (…), we will see if the content meets our expectations. »

On Sunday, Mr. Darmanin specified that a letter of commitment should be sent at the start of the week to the Forces vives collective, which is leading the movement, and to local elected officials. “I understood that after receiving this letter the barriers would be lifted”, he anticipated. On RTL, Mayotte MP Estelle Youssouffa (Libertés, independents, overseas and territory) said she hoped “a lifting of the roadblocks from Wednesday”.

The poorest French department in France, Mayotte is populated by 310,000 inhabitants, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee) – probably many more, according to the regional chamber of accounts –, 48% of whom are immigrants Comorians or coming from other African countries.

Read additionally | Article reserved for our subscribers In Mayotte, “insecurity on the island is no longer possible. People are oppressed”

Most arrive illegally aboard traditional fishing boats from the Comorian island of Anjouan, just 70 kilometers away. Many live in unsanitary bangas (huts) organized in shantytowns.

The end of land rights in Mayotte will make it possible, according to Mr. Darmanin, to eliminate territorialized residence permits, a system preventing holders of a Mayotte residence permit from coming to France and which angers collectives of residents request deletion. The number of residence permits issued in Mayotte will decrease by 90% with these new measures and the tightening of family reunification allowed by the recent “immigration” law, according to the minister's entourage.

Measure expected by the far right

To try to stem this flow, Mr. Darmanin decided to abolish land law, a measure that he himself described as “extremely strong, clear, radical”. “It will no longer be possible to become French if you are not yourself the child of a French parent”he said.

Read additionally | End of the suitable to soil in Mayotte: the far proper and the suitable welcome the draft measure, the left says it’s “worried”

Even if she has to stay “obviously limited to the Mayotte archipelago”according to the minister, the measure already largely divides the opposition. “To resolve the problems of Mayotte, we do not need less Republic, we need more Republic, and therefore certainly not the act of undermining the law of the soil”declared on CNews/Europe 1 the “rebellious” deputy Manuel Bompard, while the left is opposed to any questioning of the law of the soil.

On the far right, the president of the National Rally (RN), Jordan Bardella, welcomed the announcement, estimating on Franceinfo: “It’s a good start, since it’s been twenty years since we [le RN] we demand the abolition of land rights for the entire country. »

The abolition of land rights on the island will be submitted to a vote by Parliament in a bill which will soon be tabled in the National Assembly by the government. Gold, “there are constitutional reforms coming”which will concern New Caledonia, voluntary termination of pregnancy and Corsica, recalled the Minister of the Interior. “So we have several moments of possible constitutional reforms (…), but here it is up to the President of the Republic to choose his moment since he discusses it with the political forces. »

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