Aurore Bergé threatens to chop off subsidies to feminist associations which made “ambiguous remarks” in regards to the October 7 assault | EUROtoday

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The feminist collective #NousToutes Lille described, Monday February 12, as“instrumentalization” the feedback made the day earlier than by the delegate minister Aurore Bergé, who mentioned she needed to cease subsidies to feminist associations that had “ambiguous remarks” concerning the Hamas assault in Israel on October 7, which sparked the conflict.

“I asked that all associations [féministes] financially supported [par l’Etat] are scrutinized. (…) If there is the slightest ambiguity about comments made on October 7, it would not be normal for these associations to continue to receive subsidies from the government.declared the Minister Delegate in charge of equality between women and men and the fight against discrimination on Radio J., Sunday.

“I refuse that the State financially supports associations which cannot characterize what happened,” she added, in opposition to a backdrop of accusations of double requirements focusing on part of the feminist motion which has been criticized for its ” silence “, regarding accusations of sexual violence dedicated by Hamas males in opposition to Israeli girls on October 7. The minister made this request to the administration final week and is awaiting suggestions ” in the coming days “.

Read additionally: Article reserved for our subscribers Israel takes steps to doc sexual violence dedicated throughout Hamas assault

After the November 25 march in opposition to violence in opposition to girls, the nationwide collective #NousToutes and different feminist associations defended themselves by claiming to struggle for ” all the women “ and had condemned “unambiguously the sexual and gender-based crimes, rapes and feminicides committed by Hamas, which particularly targeted women, LGBTQIA+ people and children”.

“We believe all the victims, wherever they come from”

“There is no ambiguity on the part of feminists, we believe all the victims, we are the first to denounce all male violence against women, wherever they come from”, reacted Amy Bah, president of #NousToutes Lille, to Agence-France Presse, Monday. According to her, the phrases of Mme Bergé belong to a “instrumentalization of Hamas' crimes and Israel's response in Gaza to avoid taking responsibility for the lack of resources in the fight against gender-based violence”.

“It’s a backlash [retour de bâton contre les droits des femmes] with the idea also that feminists would cost society dearly”she argued, earlier than including about #NousAll: “ We are financially independent, we do not receive public money, but this is not the case for all associations. » The activist “recalls that associations which depend on subsidies carry out public service missions. The State is taking responsibility for them, so it is scandalous to threaten them today, especially as it endangers the victims of violence.”.

“Being a feminist means saying things; being a feminist means supporting the women who were mutilated on October 7estimated Mme Bergé, Sunday, calling into question certain feminist associations. If the tragedy that occurred on October 7 against women had occurred elsewhere, would the reactions have been stronger? Unfortunately, I fear that might have been the case. »

“If Mme Bergé thinks that the priority today is to do that [supprimer les subventions à des associations féministes]I find it pathetic”declared Manuel Bompard, nationwide coordinator of La France insoumise, questioned on this topic Monday on Europe 1.

While his celebration is criticized as a result of refusal of a number of of its members to label Hamas a terrorist group within the aftermath of the assault, he mentioned: “Silence now is a sign of ambiguity, right? » “I have never seen any of the feminist associations not condemn” the sexual violence which was dedicated on October 7 and which is being documented, he continued, offering help to feminist associations.

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