FDP: The Liberals have fallen to an eight-year low in favor of voters | EUROtoday

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DThe FDP is slipping additional and additional in favor of voters and has reached its lowest degree since 2016. According to the preliminary report, the newspaper “Bild” studies this, citing a consultant survey by the opinion analysis institute INSA. “The FDP is fighting for its parliamentary existence. If it could use its great additional potential, it would probably be mainly at the expense of the CDU/CSU,” INSA boss Hermann Binkert informed the newspaper.

If there have been a federal election on Sunday, the FDP would solely get 3.5 p.c of the vote, based on the INSA survey. That is one level lower than the earlier week. The SPD achieved 15 p.c within the survey and the Greens 12.5 p.c. Together, the events within the visitors gentle coalition solely have 31 p.c, studies “Bild”.

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Finance Minister Christian Lindner (l.);  Vice Chancellor and Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens)

The CDU/CSU stays unchanged at 30 p.c, the AfD at 20.5 p.c. According to the survey, 7.5 p.c of these surveyed have been in favor of Sahra Wagenknecht's newly based BSW, 3.5 for the Left and three p.c for the Free Voters. The different events have been in a position to get 4.5 p.c.

A complete of two,083 residents have been surveyed from February ninth to twelfth, 2024 for the INSA opinion development on behalf of “Bild”.
