Police report: Resident assaults phone firm worker with machete | EUROtoday

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A drunk man is alleged to have attacked a phone supplier worker with a machete in Berlin-Lichtenberg and injured his hand. The 26-year-old worker held gross sales talks on Ortliebstrasse on Monday afternoon police introduced on Tuesday. When he rang the doorbell of a 46-year-old resident, he’s stated to have began an argument from the balcony as a result of he felt bothered by the ringing. He then allegedly adopted the worker and requested him to cease ringing different residents' bells.

According to the police, the 46-year-old immediately pulled out the machete and stabbed it within the course of the 26-year-old. After the assault, the worker is alleged to have disarmed the alleged attacker and held him down till the police arrived. The resident was arrested. According to the knowledge, an alcohol take a look at confirmed round three per mille of breath alcohol. According to a police spokeswoman, the person had a second knife with him. During a search of his condo, numerous different weapons had been seized. The worker's harm was handled on web site, it was stated.

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