Bolaos calls for that Junts and ERC “respect” the judges and never “offend” the rule of legislation | EUROtoday

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The Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, Flix Bolaos, has demanded from the representatives of Junts and ERC within the Constitutional Commission of Congress, “respect” for the judges and magistrates as a result of he’ll query them and assault them with names and surnames as a result of they don’t like their selections or their investigations “offends the judiciary” and the rule of legislation.

Bolaos expressed himself forcefully in these phrases in response to the criticism that the independence spokespersons, Marta Madrenas (Junts) and Francesc-Marc lvaro (ERC) expressed in the course of the session towards the decide of the National Court Manuel Garca-Castelln.

The minister assured that as head of Justice he doesn’t give an opinion or consider particular procedures or judges. “In general I tell you,” he defined, addressing the Junts deputy, “that my confidence in the independence, impartiality and rigor of the judges and magistrates of this country is absolute. And that the rule of law has tools to When you disagree with a judge's decision, you can appeal it to higher bodies. Our rule of law is full and exemplary. You will not find me anywhere else. I will be defending the rule of law in Spain, defending the work of judges and magistrates. and not giving an opinion on any procedure or on any specific judge and I would appreciate it if you did the same because giving an opinion on a judge in parliament can be offensive to the judiciary.

Madrenas, during his intervention, had expanded by attacking García Castellón, whom he described as “dishonest” for having “lied” to the French authorities to get them to collaborate in the fight against ETA. “You can not belief him to do justice,” said the deputy before asking the minister when the Government will open an investigation into the judge of the National Court, the same one who, by the way, accuses Carles Puigdemont of terrorism for his alleged involvement in Democratic Tsunami.

Later, in response to the ERC deputy, Bolaos insisted: “I can not enable private references, private offenses to any decide or Justice of the Peace in our nation. I can not enable it and I inform you very clearly. Our rule of legislation is full and exemplary and that is acknowledged by the worldwide rankings. And I’m not going to budge on that.”

Álvaro, like his counterpart from Junts, directly attacked García Castellón and rejected the minister's warnings: “I’ve to disagree, Mr. Minister, once you say that talking sick of a Justice of the Peace is disrespectful. Man, lack of respect for the State is that of a Justice of the Peace who claims to have lied to a pleasant State. I do know that you simply can not give an opinion on that, however I do know as a result of, so far as I do know, my standing as a deputy doesn’t forestall me from exercising my freedom of expression. Therefore, so long as I don’t “Let the Civil Guard come here and arrest me, I will give my opinion of the magistrates whatever I want.”