Sánchez is “relentless” with corruption “whoever falls”: “He who does it pays” | EUROtoday

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Pedro Sánchez He has proven himself to be “relentless” this Saturday with corruption “no matter where it comes from and whoever falls.” “He who does it pays,” the President of the Government acknowledged throughout his speech on the Council of the Socialist International held on the PSOE headquarters in Madrid, including that “this is how it has been during the last six years.” “and that's how it will continue to be for the next four years.”

From the occasion management they’ve already indicated the exit door to the previous minister If Luis Balos after studying of first data that may immediately implicate him within the alleged plot to gather million-dollar commissions for the awarding of contracts for the acquisition of masks throughout the Covid pandemic for which he was arrested this week Koldo Garca Izaguirrewho was his proper hand.

Now Sánchez additionally joins the general public stress for the Valencian politician to resign his deputy standing by defending that his arrival at La Moncloa by way of a movement of censure towards it occurred on account of “the need to put an end to the corruption of the PP.” and that his Government “has made exemplarity its flag.” “An absolute, total exemplarity, that does not understand colors,” he pressured.

The additionally normal secretary of the socialists has argued that whereas within the Executive of Mariano Rajoy “they obstructed the action of Justice to hinder investigations that affected them”, in theirs they present “absolute collaboration with Justice to reach the end”; that “in the face of those who supported corruption, they expelled those who denounced it, absolute transparency today.”

Sánchez has thus implicitly referred to the alternative of Pablo Casado on the head of the PP management after denouncing the charging of commissions for the acquisition of masks additionally throughout the pandemic by the brother of the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayusoa case that he already referred to on Wednesday from Morocco in his first public evaluation of the Koldo case. What I didn’t point out is that the grievance towards the relative of the chief on the head of the Puerta del Sol Government was archived in all situations after “favorable treatment” was not appreciated.
