The PP calls for in writing in Congress the resignation of Francina Armengol for the 'Koldo case' | EUROtoday

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The Popular Party register this Monday within the Congress of Deputies a proper letter by which he’ll demand the resignation of the president of the Lower House, Francina Armengol, for being “designated” as “one of the main people responsible” for the Koldo case. This was introduced this Sunday by the favored parliamentary spokesperson, Miguel Tellado, throughout an occasion of his occasion held in La Corua.

“We ask for the resignation of Mrs. Francina Armengol due to her obvious involvement in this case of corruption,” mentioned Tellado after declaring the third authority within the state for her alleged involvement within the plot. The common ones contemplate that in her time as Balearic president she favored the hiring of the community linked to the advisor of former minister José Luis Balós, which makes her complicit within the occasions.

“We believe that Armengol is doing enormous damage to the Chamber, devaluing the prestige of an institution that has to be far above all this,” mentioned the parliamentary spokesman for the commonwhich this week distanced itself from the conversations intervened Koldo Garca by which he was identified as a attainable hyperlink between the plot and the present Balearic Government of Marga Prohens. As Tellado himself confirmed, there was no assembly with Koldo García, since when Balos' advisor mentioned it was deliberate, the PP chief was in a plenary session in Congress.

“Armengol has played with the money, with the health and with the intelligence of all Spaniards,” Tellado mentioned this Sunday to justify the offensive in opposition to the president of Congress. Likewise, he insisted on the thesis defended by the PP that Pedro Sánchez was conscious of the info associated to the Koldo plot and that this may clarify the dismissal of Balos as minister in 2021.

Hence the necessity, they consider in Genoa, for the pinnacle of the Executive to look to make clear and assume duties for investigations that have an effect on varied ministries, a number of territorial governments of the Socialists and the president of Congress. “In this plot there are people with names and surnames identified. They are not four socialist gulfs who were out there: they are four socialist gulfs who were very close to the President of the Government,” attacked the PP spokesperson to level out Sánchez's obligation to shed mild. to this matter.