Crime: Riots after Rhine derby: stewards knocked unconscious | EUROtoday

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At the Bundesliga recreation between 1. FC Köln and Bayer Leverkusen, the scenario between followers and police Escalated: Two officers have been injured and a steward was knocked unconscious. As the police introduced on Sunday night, ten persons are being investigated for severe breach of the peace, two of them are in police custody. Accordingly, pyrotechnics, bicycles, branches and stones have been thrown on the emergency companies.

Towards the top of the soccer recreation, based on the police, a number of supporters from each camps attacked one another within the stadium. A folder was hit within the head with a punch and collapsed unconscious. According to the knowledge, he was taken to hospital with severe accidents.

After the sport, one other altercation broke out between three followers. When the police intervened and separated these concerned, members in a fan march arrived and attacked the emergency companies. The march had simply began with 500 folks. According to the police, objects have been thrown on the officers. Support forces surrounded the attackers and prevented additional assaults.

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