Jordan Bardella launches his marketing campaign by concentrating on Macron | EUROtoday

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Jordan Bardella denounced on Sunday “the erasure of France” in Europe and focused the “great eraser” Emmanuel Macron, throughout a gathering in Marseille in entrance of 5,000 individuals, launching his European election marketing campaign which intends to capitalize on survey dynamics.

“What our leaders and the European Union have caused, hand in hand, is the great erasure of France which results in the decline of France at home, on its own soil, but also in Europe and in the world, he said. “And the great eraser is called Emmanuel Macron”.

The 28-year-old candidate assured that June 9 should be “day 1 of the alternation”, trustworthy to the occasion's technique which intends to make the European elections an actual mid-term election. “There is no other option than victory,” he insisted.

The head of the National Rally list Jordan Bardella during the launch of his campaign for the June European elections, in Marseille, March 3, 2024
The head of the National Rally record Jordan Bardella throughout the launch of his marketing campaign for the June European elections, in Marseille, March 3, 2024 © CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP

“The erasure is the project of the National Rally, (a project) to weaken France (…) to dismantle the European Union, which, under the guise of protecting the French, in fact, will weaken them very clearly,” the head of the Macronist list Valérie Hayer later retorted on BFMTV.

Marine Le Pen opened the RN meeting after a long stroll alongside Jordan Bardella in the middle of the public, under deafening music and a cloud of blue-white-red flags.

She notably denounced the “cynicism” and the “warlike postures” of a President Macron “in a state of siege”, in the face of whom the RN will propose a “considerate and resolute, nationwide and standard transition”.

“Like thirty years ago, we are still floundering in the ‘responsible but not guilty’ situation with a government that is constantly failing,” she lashed out, earlier than mockingly: “It’s the fault of the disaster , the RN, the warfare, the RN, social networks, the RN, the Chinese, the RN, the Martians, the RN… These unworthy evasions discredit public speech and motion.

RN supporters during the launch of the June European election campaign of RN head list Jordan Bardella, in Marseille, March 3, 2024
RN supporters throughout the launch of the June European election marketing campaign of RN head record Jordan Bardella, in Marseille, March 3, 2024 © CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP

Marine Le Pen additionally confirmed her presence on the record of her foal, in final place, “symbolically”.

The Marseille assembly, “the most important”, inaugurated a sequence of round ten public conferences scheduled over the following three months, together with one in Paris on May 1.

This first assembly – billed at 400,000 euros out of a complete marketing campaign funds of 4.32 million – allowed the RN to check a brand new slogan: “France returns”, subtitled “Europe revives”, a wink. take a look at Ronald Reagan's phrase “America is back”.

The president of the National Rally (RN) Marine Le Pen during the launch of the party's campaign for the European elections in June, in Marseille, March 3, 2024
The president of the National Rally (RN) Marine Le Pen throughout the launch of the occasion's marketing campaign for the European elections in June, in Marseille, March 3, 2024 © CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP

Basically, the Marseille rally was a possibility to unveil the primary axes of the marketing campaign, agricultural disaster and immigration within the lead.

“The Green Pact on one side, the Migration Pact on the other: here are the two main pillars of this decisive electoral battle,” launched Jordan Bardella, as soon as once more contemplating the elections as a “referendum against migratory overwhelm”.

To the macronie who accuses him of wanting to depart the European Union in disguise, the MEP replied that we “do not leave the gaming table when we are about to win the game”, citing a number of nations the place the RN's allies are progressing.

One of his rivals, Raphaël Glucksmann, who’s on the socialist record, described the Lepenists on France 3 as “junk patriots (…) in the service of Vladimir Putin”.

A parallel counter-demonstration introduced collectively 600 individuals in Marseille, who got here to “mark their opposition” to the RN.

Ultra-favorite within the polls (28 to 30% of voting intentions) with round ten factors greater than the Renaissance-MoDem-Horizons record, Jordan Bardella has a double ambition: to come back first and do not less than in addition to to the final Europeans, 23.34%.

Underlying goal: to make June 9 the stepping stone to Marine Le Pen's fourth candidacy for the Élysée in 2027.

The head of the National Rally list Jordan Bardella during the launch of his campaign for the June European elections, in Marseille, March 3, 2024
The head of the National Rally record Jordan Bardella throughout the launch of his marketing campaign for the June European elections, in Marseille, March 3, 2024 © CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP

The foremost unknown of the marketing campaign, for the RN, would be the rise, or not, of the presidential camp, caught for a number of weeks under the 20% voting intention mark.

The macronie is organizing a gathering subsequent Saturday, in Lille, with Prime Minister Gabriel Attal and his complete authorities.

With AFP