The strict Court of Auditors with the interministerial committee for the prevention of delinquency and radicalization | EUROtoday

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Prefect Christian Gravel, former secretary general of the interministerial committee for the prevention of delinquency and radicalization, in Paris on March 17, 2020.

A physique which has held solely three interministerial committees in 5 years, whose scientific committee is ghostly and which has failed to tell Parliament of its motion since 2015: such is the presentation made, Monday March 4, by Pierre Moscovici, first president of the Court of Auditors, of the interministerial committee for the prevention of delinquency and radicalization (CIPDR), presupposed to play a significant function within the struggle in opposition to Islamist radicalization, separatism and group withdrawal.

This extreme audit was launched after the Marianne fund scandal, which broke out within the spring of 2023. This fund of some 2.5 million euros was created in 2021 by Marlène Schiappa, then Minister Delegate for Citizenship, as a part of the State's response after the assassination of Professor Samuel Paty, in October 2020. Since then, Mme Schiappa left workplace, then the federal government, and the secretary common of the CIPDR, prefect Christian Gravel, was positioned on depart.

The audit of the Court of Auditors not solely confirms the intense shortcomings famous by the final inspection of the administration then by a senatorial fee of inquiry in May 2023, however extends this criticism to the complete CIPDR. Responsible initially for the prevention of delinquency, this atypical and transversal administration was given the mission of stopping radicalization in 2016 then of combating in opposition to separatism and disseminating a republican counter-discourse in 2020. This enlargement, to which was added the struggle in opposition to sectarian excesses with the attachment, additionally in 2020, of Miviludes, was not accompanied by a ” frame “ ample or“precise directions”underlines the report.

“Overall lack of rigor”

“The interministerial work that it leads appears to be structuring, even though the national bodies established by regulatory texts – the interministerial committee itself, but also the unit for the fight against radical Islamism – play a marginal role”notes the report. “The general secretariat relies little on the scientific committee on radicalization processes, an innovative body created in 2017 but which struggles to function and assert itself”he provides.

Finally, “the analysis of the fund management procedures reveals serious inadequacies”, he’s famous. The doubtful allocation of funds allotted by Miviludes and the Marianne fund illustrates these abuses: “These deficiencies appeared even more clearly during the national calls for projects launched in 2021, the first intended for the “fight against sectarian aberrations”, the second, the “Marianne fund”, whose launch and The arbitration was poorly ready and carried out in situations that didn’t enable a passable investigation. » More typically, “the control highlighted an overall lack of rigor in the management of subsidy operations (…). It is essential that the Ministry of the Interior carries out a restoration of order”concludes the report.

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