Feijóo trusts that the European establishments will cease the “nonsense” of the amnesty regulation | Spain | EUROtoday

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The amnesty regulation is advancing and the Popular Party is operating out of assets, which is why they’ve determined to accentuate their battle within the EU in opposition to the pardon for these accused of the course of that PSOE, Junts and ERC have agreed upon. This Thursday, on the congress of the European Popular Party in Bucharest to enthrone his candidate to preside over the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has charged in opposition to the Government of Pedro Sánchez for the Koldo case, during which the National Court investigates the alleged assortment of unlawful commissions within the buy of masks in the course of the worst of the pandemic, and for his amnesty settlement with the Catalan independentists of Junts, and has as soon as once more requested that Europe and his political household help him to battle in opposition to the measure. “A growing majority of Spaniards see in the PP and the European institutions the guarantee to stop these absurdities, today we cannot disappoint them,” Feijóo requested. In parallel, the favored ones belief that the Spanish judges will cease the applying of the grace measure.

The president of the European Popular Party, the German Manfred Weber, has taken up the gauntlet and has accused the pinnacle of the Spanish Executive of permitting himself to be manipulated by the independentists and by the former president Catalan Carles Puigdemont, at the moment a MEP and one of many potential beneficiaries of the amnesty regulation. “Sánchez has been reduced to a puppet of Puigdemont,” claimed Weber, who already had an affair with the Spanish president in December, when Sánchez accused the EPP chief of defending the PP's pacts with Vox and requested him if he would agree. that in Berlin the names of leaders of the Third Reich would as soon as once more be positioned on streets and squares, as Vox wished to do in Spain with figures from the Franco regime.

“Today, a European Government is going to leave very serious crimes against the heart of the European Union unpunished. A Government increasingly cornered and easier to extort by those who put the rule of law as a price, that is the amnesty that the Government of Spain is agreeing on at this moment with the secessionists,” Feijóo said in Spanish in his speech at the plenary session of the congress in Bucharest. “All the members of the Spanish delegation feel comforted by knowing that we are safe from a Europe that cannot allow attacks on the rule of law and the independence of the Judiciary to bear fruit and that a European Prime Minister obtains his position with judicial impunity” , added the president of the PP.

The president of the European Popular Party, the German Manfred Weber, during his speech this Thursday in Bucharest.
The president of the European Popular Party, the German Manfred Weber, during his speech this Thursday in Bucharest.Vadim Ghirda (AP)

While insisting on the European strategy, in Spain the PP has confidence in the judiciary to stop the application of the norm. The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, warned this Thursday in what sounded like a warning to sailors that it will be the judges who have the last word on the implementation of the amnesty law, because it is up to them to decide how it is applied. and who it can benefit and who it cannot. The popular ones are aware that the conservative sectors of the justice system have shown signs of their rejection of the pardon measure and their discomfort with the Government. Last November, hundreds of judges demonstrated in front of the courts against the rule. In fact, the last transactional amendment agreed between the PSOE, Junts and ERC to definitively approve the amnesty law proposal, which was voted on this Thursday, is designed to prevent Carles Puigdemont from being left out of the grace measure after the process that follows against the former Catalan president the Supreme Court. The high court decided last week to open a criminal case against the Junts leader for terrorism.

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“It is up to the Spanish judges and courts to apply the amnesty law,” Cuca Gamarra highlighted this Thursday in the Congress courtyard, “and I have no doubt that they will do so within the framework of the rule of law.” “It is up to them, there is no room for self-application of the amnesty law, as the promoters of this law have attempted to approve today through a statement of reasons. It will be the Spanish courts who will be responsible for applying it within the principle of jurisdiction, which no one can repeal or amnesty,” he stressed when asked if the PP has expectations that the law will not end up being applied because the judges stop it.

In her intervention at the Justice Commission, the general secretary of the Popular Party insisted on suggesting that it is not certain that the amnesty law will be applied or at least that it will benefit Puigdemont. “The Spanish State, with all its determination, will once again wake you up from this fiction,” she warned the proponent groups. “Our legislation is fully European. It complies with the European Convention on Human Rights and our courts will apply it directly or raise questions they deem appropriate in both domestic and EU courts. Protecting their rights but also the rights of everyone.”

The PP knows that for the European courts to agree with them, the Venice Commission report is important, the first draft of which has left the conservative party somewhat cold, which recognizes that the Government has used it to its advantage. The popular ones now hope that this advisory body will make a “more forceful” final opinion on the norm than the already known draft, according to popular parliamentary sources.

The popular ones are going to fight the battle in the EU against the amnesty, but the European Commission – which has already said that it will analyze the measure after the requests received – will only speak out when it is complete with the amendments that are approved and to ensure that it does not contravene the European treaties. The PP trusts, as the popular leader Esteban González Pons pointed out this Wednesday in Bucharest, that the Court of Justice of the EU will overturn the measure, but for that an appeal is needed. “The Commission is analyzing the draft, we remain in contact with the Spanish authorities,” said a spokesperson for the Community Executive in Brussels. “We analyze it very carefully and follow the evolution. We will conclude our analysis once the final text is adopted by the Spanish Parliament, a process that is still ongoing,” he added.

Already on Wednesday González Pons and the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, asked for help with the amnesty law and demanded a tough line with the Spanish Government. “I ask the European Popular Group to not have collusion with Pedro Sánchez, who has linked the president of the group [popular] with the Nazis,” the Madrid president launched earlier than a whole lot of delegates and earlier than Von der Leyen, the pinnacle of the group Executive who desires to repeat her mandate and who’s in good concord with Sánchez. “She cannot be whitened anymore,” added Díaz Ayuso.

Feijóo, during his speech at the European PP congress in Bucharest, this Thursday.
Feijóo, throughout his speech on the European PP congress in Bucharest, this Thursday.Robert Ghement (EFE)

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