Rima Hassan, watermelon and large lies | EUROtoday

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LEuropean farmers are delighted. Rima Hassan, the muse of watermelon producers world wide, is operating for the European elections as a candidate for La France insoumise (LFI). This plant, consumed like a fruit, is brandished to bypass the “censorship” of the Palestinian trigger which might strike on social networks.

The alternative of occasion appears very smart, for a number of causes. Abandoned by the French proletariat, LFI is banking on new figures of these oppressed by “systemic racism”, by “state Islamophobia”, by Zionists in France, the United States, Israel and by CNews. Someone was wanted, and even higher somebody, who would erase the resentful pleasure of all these connoisseurs of history-geography who didn’t fail to remind Jean-Luc Mélenchon in 2020 that Jesus was crucified by the Romans , and to Mathilde Panot that the item of her fantasies is on the western aspect of the Jordan River. Any English-speaking supporter of the “Palestinian cause”, talking the European language of wooden, would have instantly mentioned “West Bank” and wouldn’t have fallen for it (I’ve nothing to do with it, it's a pun nationwide).

Refugee, actually?

So right here comes “a Palestinian refugee”, born in Syria and French citizen, who by her very essence ought to place the Palestinian territories on the map, saving the face dirty by the mud of ignorance, of the nationwide defenders of the worldwide oppressed. One would possibly marvel why a French “Palestinian refugee” would current the protection of Palestine to the European Parliament. Could it’s potential that final night time's Macron-Abbas agreements annexed it to France? We who stupidly believed that the Palestinian Authority was on the west financial institution of the Jordan River, uncover that actually it has its headquarters on the left financial institution of the Seine. But, in spite of everything, the Muslim Brotherhood has its subsidiary within the Israeli Knesset, why not a French Palestinian refugee within the European Parliament?

By the way in which, let's give attention to the phrase “refugee”, this magic components that makes sincere individuals cry of their cottages, calling for the reflex of quick compassion. The 1951-1967 UN Convention referring to the standing of refugees doesn’t point out the descendants of refugees and ceases to use if the refugee obtains the nationality of the host nation. UNRWA, created in 1949, and right this moment on the coronary heart of an issue, adopts a decision which stipulates that refugee standing is transmitted to their descendants. We are subsequently confronted with a singular case on the earth, the place since 1949, the variety of “Palestinian refugees” has continued to extend, simply by delivery.

The query arises to which our nationwide “refugee” won’t ever give the reply on the danger of shaking the foundations of Palestinian mythology: why neither her grandparents nor her father, born in Syria, have Syrian nationality? While she has French nationality with out having French dad and mom. Arab nations have all the time refused to present citizenship to the Palestinian brothers, in order to not combine them into their nationwide panorama. Neither in Syria, nor in Lebanon, nor in Iraq, nor in Egypt. It appears that they don't even wish to open the doorways to avoid wasting them from horrible Israelis? What solidarity!

Disinformation, historic reversal

What's extra, right here's what's annoying: within the French custom, the representatives of the events which symbolize the individuals, nicely, a sure individuals, have the responsibility to not say something, nor to lie. In absolute. In actuality, we’ve got already seen each LFI and “the Palestinian refugee” peddling disinformation, repeating faux information from Hamas and Al Jazeera, with out verifying them, and resorting to the crudest processes of historic and semantic inversion. .

Thus, the Nazification of Israelis is Rima Hassan's holy bread. We learn, for instance, from his pen: “Bridling all empathy, the exclusion of Palestinians from the human community through animalization is the first step. In the past, Palestinians have already been described as cockroaches, crocodiles or locusts to be crushed. »

Is she talking about Radio des Mille Collines? This Hutu radio station in Rwanda, which actually broadcast such designations when talking about Tutsis? Is she talking about My Kampf, whose author actually called the Jews that? Where did “refugee” Rima hear such phrases (prohibited and punishable by Israeli legislation)? We'll by no means know. Madame Hassan speaking about animalization? Let her do not forget that Mia Shem, injured by Hamas terrorists and dropped at Gaza, was operated on by a veterinarian, like an animal, and this within the hospital the place surgeons work, because the executives of Al -Jazeera. That's animalization. Let's not even discuss in regards to the rape of Israeli girls, our white gazelle (the which means of the primary identify Rima) mentioned nothing about that, as a result of such horrors can harm a few of the delicate ears of supporters of the “just” trigger.

Delirium citatatiorum

Let's go on. In my conversations with these in favor of the extermination of the State of Israel, whether or not with college students on the Sorbonne, or with defenders of Comrade Putin's insurance policies and even on tv units, I seen that the latter endure from delirium citatatiorum, they create quotes that don’t exist, banking on the crass ignorance of their voters, listeners, and sure presenters. This is how a younger sorbonicole advised me that Zeev Jabotinsky, one of many founding fathers of Israel, referred to as for killing the Arabs. Knowing all of the latter's texts, I requested for a reference. He admitted that he had heard that “somewhere”. So they hear the voices.

The lawyer Hassan, whose historic rigor is price her militant delusions, is without doubt one of the “hearers”. September 13, 2023, on set C this night, Hassan, who turned a historian of Zionism for the event, quotes David Ben-Gurion who mentioned “Israel becomes an apartheid state if it does not manage to get rid of its Arab population”. Horror ! But the place did he say that and when? And how is it potential that earlier than Hassan, nobody used this very incriminating quote in opposition to the Jewish State? The specialists I consulted shrug their shoulders: yet another lie. But like that, with out disgrace? The quote doesn’t exist and the location Infoquitable, this Sherlock Holmes of pretend information, finds the reply to the origin of his delusions.

In the identical present, Rima continues to cite Ben-Gurion (however what a reminiscence!): “Drive them out, the old will die and the young will forget. » This is also a false quote, Ben-Gurion never said it. Even the site electronicintifada had to admit it. The story of the fabrication of this lie can be found on several sites and whoever does not believe it can easily read the texts of Ben Gurion (which are certainly not as successful as the Protocols of the Elders of Zionwhose quotes we impatiently await).

Let's not be fooled by this candidacy, she was chosen not to present the interests of the “Palestinian people”, but because she hates Israel even more than her bosses. This hatred is poured daily on his Twitter/X feed and now on TV sets and various YouTube channels. France is already the homeland of negationism; do we need to further tarnish its reputation with the lies of the “Palestinian cause”, which solely holds up by crude mythology heated by anti-Jewish hatred?

*Yana Grinshpun is a lecturer in language sciences (Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle University).
