Spain, the Chamber approves the amnesty for the pro-independence leaders of Catalonia | EUROtoday

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The laws will cancel the judicial proceedings and convictions of not less than 400 Catalan politicians and activists, in accordance with the federal government, over a thousand in accordance with Junts. “Acts which due to their purpose can be classified as terrorism, according to the 2017 European directive”, stay excluded from the amnesty measures. And those who contain “serious violations” of articles 2 and three of the European Agreement on Human Rights, referring to the precise to life and the prohibition of torture.

Puigdemont: now the Catalan query returns to politics

«The amnesty responds to an goal, which isn’t to show the web page or put an finish to one thing, however to beat an misguided section of judicial and police repression in opposition to a political motion, and to return the administration of a battle to politics of a political nature”, Puigdemont wrote on X, a few minutes after the approval of the measure in favor of the secessionists.

But Junts leaders insist on a hard line against Madrid. “The amnesty is not the final point, the objective is the independence of Catalonia,” said Miriam Nogueras, the parliamentary spokesperson of Junts per Catalunya, commenting on the positive outcome of the vote. “We continue to do politics, now as equals with the Spanish state,” she added.

Sanchez satisfied with the green light

When asked by reporters if he was satisfied with the outcome of the vote in the Lower House, Prime Minister Sanchez simply nodded.
Sanchez entered the chamber only at the time of the vote and did not take part in the interventions of the spokespersons of the groups in the debate, before the second vote in the Chamber on the legislative text, following the rejection last January 30th due to the votes of the PP and Vox , who expressed frontal opposition from the first moment, to which were added those of the seven deputies of Junts per Catalunya, who did not consider the guarantees of criminal pardon for Puigdemont and the others implicated in the trials, contained in the text initially granted, to be sufficient with the PSOE. Present at the debate, however, in the audience was the leader of the Catalan Esquerra Republicana, Oriol Junqueras, who upon his arrival at the Chamber was greeted by boos from a group of opposition protesters.

The accusation of the People's Party: Spain betrayed

«The law of impunity for corrupt people, those responsible for sedition and terrorist associates of Sanchez was given the green light in Congress. Constitutional Spain can only count on the People's Party”, that is the rapid response of the primary Spanish opposition to the approval of the amnesty for the Catalan secessionists. Words entrusted to the overall secretary Cuca Gamarra. “The PSOE has consummated its betrayal of voters and principles, of democracy and of course of Spain,” he added in a touch upon : «We will work to get better the Constitution, the liberty of the Spaniards and Spain, at present seized by a bunch of criminals», he mentioned, including that «the entire authorities should resign».