Puigdemont places Sánchez's transfers on the middle of his marketing campaign: “We have seated the Spanish Government in Switzerland” | EUROtoday

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Appealing to his standing as “legitimate president”, Carles Puigdemont launched his candidacy for 12-M yesterday from the south of France. He mentioned the fugitive would seem to attain “the restitution of the presidency of the Generalitat” of which he was dispossessed in utility of article 155 of the Constitution after illegally declaring independence and earlier than fleeing to Belgium. “Today the countdown to the return begins,” proclaimed the ethical chief of Junts, who promised to return to Catalonia for the investiture session, that’s, solely when you’ve got actual choices to be anointed.

Dressed within the insignia that identifies the presidents of the Generalitat and after acknowledging that he had been ready for this “opportunity” for six years, the fugitive introduced the relaunch of the procs. Puigdemont promised to “successfully complete the independence process that began in October 2017” making the most of the truth that through the subsequent legislature “the tenth anniversary of the referendum” can be celebrated and suggesting, consequently, that 2027 can be a symbolic and ultimate date to arrange a brand new 1-O. “We are going to finish the job we left half done,” he warned from Elna, the French city the place separatism hid the poll packing containers of the unlawful referendum.

“We have the duty to try to agree on a self-determination referendum. It is as possible as the amnesty was and you know it. I am willing to negotiate, as I was in 2017,” mentioned the Junts chief to query Pedro Sánchezwhom he alerted that ponder regaining the unilateral va in direction of independence if he finally ends up turning into president of the Generalitat and his negotiations with the Government fail. “If we see that there is a delay in the negotiation, we will in no way renounce acquiring full independence if this is the will of the Catalans,” he warned the top of the Executive. “They know that we have not given up anything nor will we, and that we maintain the legitimacy of both the referendum and the declaration of independence,” he added.

Puigdemont boasted of getting obtained traditionally related concessions from the PSOE. The escapee boasts of having “dragged” the socialists to approve the amnesty and having “sat the Spanish Government in a negotiation space in Switzerland” to debate the self-determination of Catalonia underneath the supervision of the Salvadoran diplomat. “Meeting at La Moncloa, which is like playing at the Bernabu with a referee and VAR in favor of the locals, is not the same as meeting in Switzerland with international mediation, which is like playing at Wembley with neutral referees,” the neoconvergent snapped, hugging a sarcastic tone that he wouldn’t abandon till he had recounted every one of many victories achieved towards the PSOE since, after the overall elections, Sánchez selected Junts as his most popular companion to stay in energy and determined to politically rehabilitate the fugitive.

“That a prime minister of a member state of the European Union has had to be sworn in thanks to an agreement negotiated and signed outside his country is the first example of the exceptional nature of the stage we have opened,” Puigdemont continued to spotlight earlier than his potential citizens the investiture settlement signed with the PSOE in Brussels.

In his checklist of achievements, Puigdemont additionally talked about having managed to “normalize the official use of Catalan in Congress” or getting “to see a Spanish minister requesting its official status in the European institutions.”

The former president of the Generalitat acknowledged having reacted to an “unforeseen and sudden” electoral calendar brought on by the early electoral Pere Aragons after seeing his Budgets knocked down and that’s what leads him to quit heading the European checklist to run for the presidency of the Generalitat, when his preliminary plan was to repeat as an MEP and extra calmly plan his triumphant return to Spain, now with the amnesty absolutely utilized, after which guess whether or not he would lead the Junts al Parlament checklist.

The neoconvergent defended that his candidacy ought to transcend the acronym of his social gathering and provided to guide a coalition resembling Junts pel S, the unitary secessionist checklist that united CDC and ERC within the 2015 Catalan elections and ruled through the legislature that led to 1-O. Puigdemont is properly conscious that the Republicans is not going to agree in any method to such a request, however he aspires to include personalities from “different pro-independence sectors” to strengthen his standing as plenipotentiary chief of separatism.

Before calling for a “massive mobilization”, the previous president introduced the following elections as a plebiscite “between those who want to sink Catalonia as another autonomous community and those of us who want Catalonia to be recognized among the nations of the world.”

The influence of the Puigdemont issue on the marketing campaign is unknown. But within the Government they attempt to downgrade its significance. Dress the choice, regardless of the second, in an aura of normality. “He is still a candidate who presented himself in 2017. There is little new in that,” mentioned Pedro Sánchez from Brussels, stories Ral Pia.
