Israeli Foreign Minister calls UN an anti-Israel group | EUROtoday

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Lhe go to to Rafah by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has sparked outrage from Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz. The UN Secretary General, current within the metropolis positioned between the Palestinian territory and Egypt, had earlier famous the catastrophic humanitarian state of affairs within the Gaza Strip.

After 5 and a half months of struggle, Antonio Guterres known as for a humanitarian ceasefire: “Nothing justifies the horrible attacks by Hamas on October 7. And nothing justifies the collective punishment suffered by the Palestinian people. Now more than ever, it is time for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. »

An “anti-Semitic” group that “encourages terrorism”

A name that didn’t please the pinnacle of Israeli diplomacy, who personally attacked Antonio Guterres in a publication on X: “UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres came today to the Egyptian side of the crossing of Rafah and blamed Israel for the humanitarian situation in Gaza, without in any way condemning Hamas terrorists who loot humanitarian aid. »

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz then added that “under his leadership, the UN has become an anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli organization that harbors and encourages terrorism.” This is a brand new episode within the recurring tensions between Israel and the United Nations.