François Bayrou, pampered by the bulk, counts his pals on the MoDem congress | EUROtoday

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The head of the list of the Renew (Renaissance) group, Valérie Hayer, the president of the MoDem, François Bayrou, and the president of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, at the MoDem party congress, in Blois, March 24, 2024.

For as soon as, it was not François Bayrou's speech that was essentially the most watched throughout the congress of the Democratic Movement (MoDem), which was held in Blois on the weekend of 23 and 24 March, however that of the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet. In entrance of 600 centrists and in majesty for one of many three closing speeches, she got here with excellent news for the president of MoDem: her assist for the introduction of a dose of proportionality within the legislative elections. “It's time to go, she urged, in an orange jacket in the colors of the centrist party. I am certain that this fair representation is the best way to bring our compatriots back to the polls. » The statement comes as no surprise, Mme Braun-Pivet having already announced that she was in favor of a reform of the voting method.

Read additionally | François Bayrou re-elected with out suspense as president of the MoDem

But the declaration was expected by François Bayrou, who has made this measure a political marker since his first presidential candidacy in 2002. “A window opened, he congratulated himself from the podium, already preparing to claim victory. I am convinced that we are going to get there after so many years of fighting. » The proportional dose is “vital for the future of French democracy”, continued the leader of the MoDem. It would also facilitate his party's chances of retaining as many deputies as possible in the National Assembly, even in the event of the collapse of the government coalition after 2027.

Two days earlier in the Figaro, Yaël Braun-Pivet also spoke out for the taxation of “superprofits” in large companies and share buybacks. Here again echoing another hobbyhorse of the MoDem, notably brought to the National Assembly by the president of the group, Jean-Paul Mattei. “All quality people end up converting at one time or another to the ideas of MoDem”Mr. Bayrou laughed in front of journalists.

Organize the “central space”

After the psychodrama of his true-false entry into authorities at first of February, the figures of the bulk engaged in a cuddle remedy train in the direction of him. The former Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, the previous Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt and the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, have been additionally current. Detained in New Caledonia, the president of Horizons, Edouard Philippe, delivered a video message by which he recalled “how happy he is to be able to continue working” with Mr. Bayrou.

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