a invoice rejected in committee on the National Assembly | EUROtoday

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Article 1er of the invoice geared toward establishing menstrual go away within the occasion of “disabling menstruation” was refused, Wednesday March 27, within the Social Affairs Committee of the National Assembly. “The majority and the right reject a necessary step forward for women suffering from painful and incapacitating periods”lamented on the environmentalist deputy and rapporteur of the textual content Sébastien Peytavie, who expressed his “big disappointment”.

The textual content, the vote for which was 16 votes to 16, can be examined once more in session on April 4, “ in the environmentalist niche », asserted Mr. Peytavie. “Three years for the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution and four years for miscarriage leave. The struggle may be long, but it will not be in vain.”he declared, adding that the “society is ready” to the implementation of this method, in contrast to “the political class, majority included, [qui] is divided in the face of the necessary conquest of these new rights”.

“By opposing the introduction of menstrual cessation for the many women suffering from painful periods, the Macronists and the right refer their suffering to a private matter. Disappointment and incomprehension »for her part commented on X the deputy La France insoumise Clémentine Autain. “The right, the far right and the Macron clan preferred to brush aside the creation of a menstrual break. This proposal was, however, a necessary measure of dignity”, added his “rebellious” colleague Nadège Abomangoli.

Read additionally | Article reserved for our subscribers Menstrual go away: a number of legislative proposals tabled in Parliament on the topic

Having pain during your period “is not normal”

The text, inspired by the Spanish law passed in February 2023, notably provided for the possibility of having up to thirteen days of sick leave per year – without a waiting day and paid by Health Insurance – subject to a medical certificate. The bill also aimed to encourage teleworking in the event of painful periods.

Vomiting, stomach aches, diarrhea… symptoms linked to “disabling dysmenorrhea”, or painful period syndrome, are very varied. In France, endometriosis affects one in ten menstruating women. However, despite a significant number of cases, this disease is still poorly diagnosed: it takes an average of seven years to wait before patients finally know the origin of their symptoms.

Menstrual leave would be “a big step in recognizing the suffering of certain women during their periodsassured Maud Leblon, of the Règles Élementaires association in February. Especially for those, the most socially disadvantaged, who cannot afford to take sick leave with waiting days”.

Investigation : Article reserved for our subscribers Endometriosis: analysis lastly mobilized to attempt to catch up

For those supporting the text, the implementation of this system would also be a way of encouraging employees to begin medical follow-up. “Often, women have given up on care for a long time”had explained to World Isabelle Derrendinger, president of the National Council of the Order of Midwives. To all those who received a response “It’s normal, it’s your period”while they complained of having a stomach ache, Isabelle Derrendinger recalled: “No, that’s not normal. Women should not experience their pain as an implacable fate. »

Some companies, such as Goodays or Louis Design, have already adopted menstrual leave on their own initiative. Since the start of 2023, several municipalities, classified rather on the left, have taken the initiative of putting it in place for their agents. Grenoble, Strasbourg, Lyon, Arras… In Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis), a pioneering city, 15% of the 212 agents suffering from painful periods have already used it since March 27, 2023.

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