Puente assaults Ayuso whereas calling the details about Begoa Gmez “cosmic nonsense” | EUROtoday

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The Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Scar Bridgereferred to as this Monday “cosmic nonsense” linking the rescue of Air Europa with Begoa Gmezthe spouse of the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchez in an interview in Zero Wavethe place Carlos Alsina proposes equating Begoa Gmez's position in stated rescue with that of the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayusowithin the complaints of tax fraud by his associate, Alberto González Amador.

Regarding them, the minister has acknowledged that he has “quite a few suspicions” a couple of potential favorable therapy with the Quirón clinic, for which the president's boyfriend works as an advisor, by the Madrid Executive. “I have well-founded reasons to suspect that this is happening,” stated Puente, who additionally added that “it is undeniable” that Ayuso has lied when speaking about González Amador's tax inspection.

The minister has additionally described as “evident” that the condominium the place Ayuso resides was bought with cash from the alleged fraud. “To deny it is to put a blindfold on one's eyes,” he acknowledged, questioning “what would happen in this country” if the one who had dedicated these acts had been Pedro Sánchez's associate: “I don't know if those of us who participated in the crime could live in this country.” a celebration just like the PSOE”, he reflected.

Thus, Puente has attacked the Madrid president, pointing out that “there are a lot of extra causes to assume badly” of the case involving her partner than of Begoa Gómez's possible relationship with the rescue of Air Europa. Regarding this, he has denounced that he is trying to “contain” the president's wife in this matter “no matter.”

These statements have found a response from the Community of Madrid this afternoon when the regional president has assured that the head of Transport “doesn’t deserve a single second” of her time because “he’s a minister who has been appointed to insult.” “It is a Government that doesn’t rise up for something, we have no idea what number of unemployed there are in Spain, nor the troopers who’ve gone to Ukraine, the migrants who’ve come to the Community of Madrid… We have no idea figures about something, “They are not going to talk to us about Transparency”, the chief has delved fashionable.

The rescue of Air Europa and the Koldo plot

The minister has additionally defended the choice to rescue Air Europa though he admitted that it isn’t understood that Victor de Aldama, a type of concerned within the 'Koldo case', may act as a mediator. “All the airlines in the world have been rescued,” defended Puente, who referred to the instances of Lufthansa, KLM or Air France which have been questioned by the Court of Justice of the European Union, one thing that has not occurred with Air Europe that “passed the filter.” For all these causes, he described as “surprising” all the things associated to stated rescue, which was 475 million, a lot decrease than others equivalent to that of Lufthansa, which was round 6,000 million.

The Minister of Transport has regretted that the PP “has not respected” the alternation in energy for a while and that each time the PSOE wins the elections “there is a process of delegitimization and lack of acceptance of the results.” Pedro Sánchez “has not had a single second of democratic respite,” stated Puente, emphasizing that his predecessors “were never called Squatter”, “traitor” or “felon” and their electoral outcomes had been by no means delegitimized.

“From the outset the motion of censure was described as illegitimate. That was an illegitimate instrument, but it is in the Constitution,” he added mockingly, indicating that since he stood on the Congress platform 4 months in the past on the investiture of the chief of the PP , Alberto Nez Feijoreceives “all kinds of insults, most of them physical,” and making certain that Sánchez has additionally been receiving disqualifications for six years.

On the opposite hand, Puente has additionally referred as to whether the vast majority of the Spanish inhabitants rejects the Amnesty Law, saying that “the opinion represented” within the Cortes Generales “is the one that counts,” as a result of on this nation a session shouldn’t be held. each time a choice is made.”

“Sometimes selections are made primarily based on what the parliamentary majority considers they might or might not be, or might or might not reply to a majority want of the residents,” explained the minister, emphasizing that what does happen in democracy is that “a margin is given to see what the outcomes are” and for citizens to make a decision about them “within the subsequent elections.”

In his opinion, you can not “take your finger out” and decide which issues require or do not require the majority support of society, because there is already a parliamentary majority empowered to make decisions “primarily based on what it considers.”
