Rueda accelerates in direction of the investiture in Galicia with a warning to Sánchez: “Work to not be less than anyone” | EUROtoday

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Alfonso Rueda, president of the Council of Galicia in workplace and winner of the final regional elections with an absolute majority for the PP, is now dealing with the investiture as the brand new head of the Executive, making it clear that he’ll demand that the central Government “not deprive us of what we deserve.”

The investiture debate will likely be held on April 9 and 11 and on Saturday the thirteenth he’ll take workplace as president. Before, he has already been appointed by the president of the Galician Parliament, Miguel Santalicesas a candidate for the Presidency of the Xunta.

On Tuesday, the spherical of consultations was held with the representatives of the political events with parliamentary illustration and this Wednesday Santalices met with Rueda and proposed to run for the investiture. After receiving the order from the President of Parliament, he already superior: “We have many demands, many things to achieve and we are also clear that we do not want to be more than anyone. That is why we will work from the first moment to not be less than anyone either.”

Rueda acknowledged that he receives the project with duty, since being the president of Galicia means “aspiring to the maximum of what one can aspire to in political life” and likewise with the hope “that the position requires to do it well.”

“I commit to being the president of all Galicians and to work for the many opportunities that Galicia has ahead,” Rueda introduced to the media, and insisted that he has “even more desire to assume this responsibility.” after the bulk obtained within the elections of February 18, since they’ve meant receiving the “trust” of the Galicians with an absolute majority of 40 of the 75 deputies in Parliament.

In any case, he additionally identified that, if he obtains the assist of Parliament, “in exchange I offer all my work for the benefit of both the people who voted for us and those who did not.” And he already predicted a legislature by which he would fulfill his electoral program “with responsibility, with meaningwith outstretched hand.”

He additionally faces his first full time period – the earlier one he took over midway from Alberto Nez Feijo – with the conviction that “Galicia, especially in these turbulent times at the national level, has a lot to say.” The neighborhood, he insisted, has quite a bit to say and likewise many alternatives forward for which we should combat. “That was my commitment when I ran for election and that is the commitment I want to fulfill as president of the Xunta de Galicia,” he concluded.

In his spherical of contacts with the remainder of the political representatives, the president of Parliament verified that Rueda has adequate assist for his investiture, however alone, since the remainder of the teams won’t vote for him. As, Ana Pontón (BNG) and José Ramn Gmez Besteiro (PSdeG) will vote in opposition to. It stays to be seen what the one deputy of Ourense Democracy (DO) Armando Ojeawho didn’t need to reveal his vote: “We are going to maintain the tension a little.”

Rejection of the opposition

Ana Pontón, chief of the opposition with 25 deputies, superior that the BNG will vote in opposition to a PP candidate for the Presidency of the Xunta who represents “the regression of Galicia” and who “is leaving the Galician men and women behind” with a mission that “comes to repeat the same failed recipes” of the final 15 years, in reference to the final 4 mandates of the PP with an absolute majority, all with Alberto Nuez Feijo besides the final two years with Rueda.

The nationalist chief additionally criticized the delay within the deadlines to “leave behind a government and an interim president.” She made this assertion in reference to the truth that Alfonso Rueda made his personal investiture topic to the marriage of the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, together with his accomplice. Teresa of Urquijo, this Saturday. “The Galician agenda is subject to the agenda of weddings and celebrations of the PP and this causes the constitution of the new Government to be delayed for almost two months,” he stated.

Gómez Besteiro, the third power in Parliament with 9 deputies, introduced his vote in opposition to as a result of, like PSOE, they defend “a different Galicia”, with a “decided commitment to public services and quality employment” and superior a “firm opposition”. , rigorous and constructive”.

The socialist leader rejected the continuity that the PP represents and said that they will attend the investiture session with the intention of listening to Rueda's proposal, but knowing that they start from “radically completely different positions” and that “we aren’t going to take part” in the model of tension and the “all bonus” that the PP is deploying in Madrid.