Yaël Braun-Pivet against a discount within the length of compensation | EUROtoday

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The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, delivers a speech during the MoDem congress in Blois, March 24, 2024.

The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, visitor on Franceinfo, expressed reservations on Tuesday April 2 concerning the discount within the length of unemployment compensation deliberate by the federal government to economize. She reminds us that above all it’s essential “ assess » the previous reform.

“We reformed unemployment insurance in 2019, in 2022 and in 2023, we have already reduced the duration of compensation”helps Mme Braun-Pivet, who locations himself to the left of the coverage pursued by the federal government of Gabriel Attal. “Be careful with the stability of our legislation and our rules: we must not touch such important parameters so quickly without having evaluated the previous reform”insisted the President of the Assembly.

“Working on unemployment is much more global than simply saying that by reducing the duration of compensation, we will put people back on the job market”she scolded, evoking a “unfortunately much more complex situation”.

“Exceptional tax”

The one who was elected to the perch in 2022 towards the recommendation of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, has additionally renewed her request for a “exceptional tax” by a rise in taxes on superprofits or superdividends, to generate extra income whereas the general public deficit reached 5.5% in 2023, a document.

“If we ask our compatriots to make an effort given the financial situation of our country, this effort must be shared by all and must be equitably distributed. It's a question of social justice.”, she summarized. She also recalled that if the government planned to go beyond the 10 billion euros in savings decided for 2024 it would be required to go through Parliament with a draft amending budget.

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The Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, announced last week his desire to once again reform unemployment insurance by reducing ” several months “ the duration of compensation for the unemployed, currently eighteen months for those under 53, without going below twelve months.

However, for such a reform on the parameters of unemployment insurance, the government does not need to go through Parliament. It must enter into negotiations with the social partners, for example “a framing letter”and within the occasion of failure of the negotiation, he can regain management by decree.

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