Fury at National Education Union for platforming ‘extremist’ Stop The War group | Politics | News | EUROtoday

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The National Education Union has been blasted by academics and a former training minister after the union boasted about platforming the Stop The War motion at its convention this week.

On Thursday the NEU official account tweeted photographs of a fringe assembly with the Stop The War Coalition, describing it as “well-attended” and “great”.

The prime left-wing union stated that the perimeter occasion had lined “crucial topics such as the ongoing wars in Ukraine, Sudan and Gaza”.

However the occasion rapidly got here beneath hearth as a result of Stop The War Coalition’s stance on the Ukraine-Russian battle particularly.

STWC has frequently campaigned in opposition to arming Ukraine, regardless of the implications that may have for the nation’s freedom and survival.

The group condemned the Government’s pro-Ukraine stance, regardless of the widespread cross occasion and nationwide assist for Ukraine’s defence in opposition to Russia’s barbaric assaults.

Responding to the NEU’s partnership with Stop The War, instructor Shiva Davis slammed the union, demanding it “stick to educational issues”.

In an impassioned plea, Mr Davis additionally stated: “Like many of you, I’m teaching the children of Ukrainian refugees. Imagine telling them that our largest teaching union collaborates with an organisation arguing to end funding to Ukraine.”

Fellow instructor James Theo slammed the NEU, calling on members to recognise “that your union is promoting Russian imperialism”, and including: “No union should be platforming these tankies [a pejorative term for communists].”

A former member of the NEU’s Councillor Network, Mathew Hulbert, demanded to know “what are they thinking”, including that he’s happy to now not be related to the union “if this is the company it now keeps”.

Former faculties minister, and ex-teacher, Jonathan Gullis MP joined in blasting the union, telling the Express: “The NEU continues to prove they’re more interested in being left wing political activists, debating global conflicts and foreign affairs, instead of acting in the interests of its members and teachers.

“What makes this all the more depressing is that is gave Stop The War a platform to push their radical views, such as demanding the UK stop sending military aid to Ukraine, which would only help Putin with his illegal and immoral war.

“Stop The War also demonstrated outside the Israeli embassy to “stand with Palestine” simply two days after Hamas brutally massacred over 1,200 harmless civilians and took tons of of hostages on the seventh of October.

“The NEU should spend its time standing up for all its members and their genuine interests, rather than the extremist vocal minority within its ranks.”

The Ukraine Solidarity Campaign reported yesterday that the NEU convention closed with out holding a vote on Ukraine.

The marketing campaign fumed: “For a third year, NEU delegates were denied the chance to vote on a motion in solidarity with Ukraine and its workers’ movement because ‘Stop The War’ supporters filibustered to prevent a vote”.

The Ukraine Solidarity Campaign has now inspired NEU members and branches to get entangled of their community.

Stop The War co-organised a march in opposition to the Israeli embassy on October 9 final 12 months, simply two days after the devastating pogrom by Hamas in Israel that resulted within the deaths of 1,200 harmless civilians.

Despite Israel having not retaliated in opposition to Palestine on the time, Stop The War together with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and different exhausting left teams prioritised marching with Palestine and in opposition to Israel simply two days later.

STWC was established in September 2001 to marketing campaign in opposition to the battle in Afghanistan.

In February 2022, Sir Keir Starmer accused the motion of siding with NATO’s enemies, writing within the Guardian that they’re “not benign voices for peace”.

“At best they are naive, at worst they actively give succour to authoritarian leaders who directly threaten democracies. There is nothing progressive in showing solidarity with the aggressor when our allies need our solidarity and – crucially – our practical assistance now more than ever.”

The NEU was approached for remark.
