Aragons mocks Sánchez for his “change of opinion” on the amnesty and warns from the Senate: “The referendum will be inevitable” | EUROtoday

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The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragons, has defended earlier than the General Commission of the CCAA of the Senate its need for the Catalans to carry a referendum on the independence of Catalonia. A referendum that, he has mentioned, is “legal and perfectly possible, because it only depends on political will.” The Catalan chief has mocked Miquel Iceta, Salvador Illa and Pedro Sánchez who “shouted, there will be no amnesty nor will there be a referendum.” However, he has burdened, “overnight, it stopped being unconstitutional and impossible” and, he has predicted, “the same will happen with the referendum.” Despite his phrases and the opposition of the events that assist the Government, the report of the presentation on the Amnesty regulation, which maintains that this will probably be “a mortal blow for the constitutional State”, has been accepted by 36 votes in favor versus to 24 towards.

“Catalua,” Aragons acknowledged, “is tired of receiving blows, but we are not afraid of them and we will defend the country against hatred and contempt.” The president has additionally attacked Isabel Díaz Ayuso, Emiliano García-Page and Santiago Abascal who, in his opinion, solely say “nonsense.” The amnesty, he mentioned, is an “amendment to the entirety of an unjust sentence and is the victory of free Catalonia. Nothing we did,” he mentioned, “is a crime.”

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Isabel Díaz Ayuso, throughout her intervention, with Aragons within the background.Javier Barbancho

According to Aragons, the amnesty will put an finish to judicial persecution and exile and can serve to resolve the battle between Catalonia and the State. “It will be a new stage to reach a referendum on independence in possible ways,” she mentioned, tacitly alluding to the article 92 from Constitution which, nevertheless, solely speaks of consultations licensed by the Government between “all citizens.”

The president has additionally referred to the obstacles that in his opinion the Catalan language nonetheless encounters and, in fact, has known as for its personal and distinctive financing system to handle, acquire, distribute and resolve on all taxes much like the one the Basque Country with its live performance and its quota. This implies, based on Aragons, sustaining a bilateral relationship with the central authorities.

For him, the Spanish State doesn’t respect the residents of Catalonia and is, moreover, a State with “very weak” foundations. “Catalonia,” he mentioned, “wants complete freedom” and each the amnesty, the singular financing and the referendum “will be inevitable.”

From the headquarters on Ferraz Street in Madrid, Sánchez's social gathering has as soon as once more denied that it’ll bow to the decision for a self-determination session in Catalonia because it lastly did with the amnesty regardless of saying that it didn’t match into the Constitution. “We socialists have been and are categorical in this regard: there is not and will not be a referendum,” burdened the spokesperson for the social gathering, Esther Peainforma Martha Belver.

In the PSOE they insist on the message that “those divisive formulas belong to the past” and affirm that they’re working “side by side” with their candidate for the Generalitat to “build a future in Catalonia of great agreements and coexistence, without fractures and to all”.

Presidents self

Regional presidents of the PP, senators and social gathering officers pose for the media upon their arrival on the Upper House.MarshalEFE

“Blackmail of coup plotters”

Los widespread They have defended the report of the presentation on the Amnesty regulation, insisting that this initiative, as Pedro Sánchez himself mentioned in November 2022, “does not fit in the Constitution.” The president has modified his thoughts, they are saying, as a result of he heads a “blackmailed” authorities. The report, which will probably be accepted because of absolutely the majority of the PP within the Chamber, is radically against the amnesty and will probably be “a mortal blow for the constitutional and autonomous State” as a result of it “humiliates” the nation “in the face of the blackmail of coup plotters”.

The PP has accused the Government and the presidents of the socialist autonomous communities who haven’t attended the Senate of getting “resigned from defending equality among all Spaniards” and “disrespecting the Chamber which,” they recall, “also represents sovereignty.” nationwide”. For this formation, the Executive and the socialists “despise” the Senate and emphasize that the amnesty is not a law of consensus but only of convenience for Pedro Sánchez to stay in power “shopping for votes in trade for impunity” and they have also considered fact that the presence of the president of the Generalitat in the Chamber is not, as Pere Aragons has pointed out, to “troll” the PP, but the PSOE.

The Amnesty law proposal only means one thing, according to the popular ones: That “Sánchez amnesties Sánchez.” From this reflection, the senator popular Antonio Silvn has reminded the PSOE that manipulating the legal system in the service of a fugitive is “indecent.” “Holding on to the escapee's lifeboard is immoral,” he declared, before stating that the PP “just isn’t going to consent to it.”

The PSOE has defended its dissenting vote on the report on the amnesty law, insisting that it does not cause any autonomous impact. The measure of grace, in his opinion, is a prerogative of the Chambers. The socialist representative, Javier Remrezhas accused the Popular Party of “instrumentalizing” the Senate and has stated that the bill “ought to by no means have reached the General Commission of the CCAA.”

ERC, through the senator's mouth Sara Bailac, has defended that the amnesty, which, being a criminal law, is the responsibility of the State and does not invade autonomous powers. The pro-independence representative has assured that the law will be approved and the “filibustering” of the popular “it’ll have been of no use.” “Repression have to be left behind with a view to handle the foundation of the political battle and for residents to have the ability to freely select their political future. This would be the section to be addressed after the approval of the amnesty. The subsequent cease would be the self-determination referendum,” he said. affirmed.

Junts, for its part, has also stressed that the Amnesty law will be approved. The senator Teresa Pallars He has described the session of the CCAA General Commission as “pure theater” and has reproached the PP for its “obstructionism.” For the formation of Carles Puigdemont, the judicial actions taken against the leaders of the processes They are nothing more than an example of “politically motivated persecution.”

The PSOE ignores the challenge of Aragons

The socialist senators, for their part, have preferred to ignore the defiant intervention of the president of the Generalitat and have diverted the focus towards criticism of their respective autonomous presidents.

The socialist senator Juan Lobato has ignored Aragons' challenge, and has chosen to focus the interest of the debate on the need for both the PP and ERC to compete with Salvador Illa in the Catalan elections.

Lobato has then decided to attack Ayuso, about whom he has said that it is more comfortable for him to talk about amnesty than about his partner's case, the waiting lists in Health or unemployment.

Then the senator Roco Briones He dedicated his speech to Carlos Mazán, whom he accused of not working and not making any decisions except to lower taxes on the rich and promote smoking and gambling. According to Briones, the PP is a factory for creating independentists.

Francisco Diazalso from the PSOE, like his colleagues, has made a speech attacking the Castilian president of León, Alfonso Fernández Maueco, who, he has said, is placing his community on the brink of constitutional insubordination.

Dolores Flores For his half, he has attacked López Miras and his administration within the Region of Murcia.