The Minister of Environment and Natural Resources of Guatemala is dismissed for utilizing authorities automobiles and safety for her daughter | EUROtoday

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The president of Guatemala, Bernardo Arvalo, I dismissed this Sunday the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Mara Jos Iturbide, after the media The voice of the individuals would reveal that she used two automobiles and State safety components for her daughter to hold out private actions, corresponding to “going to gyms, working, traveling with her friends, going out with her boyfriend and walking the dogs.”

The former minister acknowledged on her social networks that she assigned safety to her daughter, Mara Fernanda Iturbide, as a result of she had suffered pursuit by a motorist final March 14. Likewise, he admitted that “at that time there was a bad procedure”, as a result of his response “was immediate”, by offering him with a car and “temporary” safety from the State, even though his daughter doesn’t work for the Government nor had she been approved by President.

Already when the criticism in opposition to him was intensifying after the publication of the journalistic investigation titled “State Cars at the Service of the Daughter of the Minister of the Environment”, Iturbide introduced that he had requested the Minister of the Interior to “carry out the risk and security analysis.” each myself and my household circle”, taking into account that his Ministry had filed complaints against illegal sand pits and other actions that have been discovered within the Ministry.

At that time, Arvalo decided that Iturbide would continue in her position as Minister of the Environment and limited herself to pointing out that he had spoken with her to “let her know her mistake in not measuring the care she needed to present to her daughter, utilizing assets that aren’t for her.” the case”. Thus, she revealed in her X account that she advised Iturbide that “under no circumstances can this happen again.”

However, days later he modified his thoughts and determined to dismiss her, As reported in a press release by the Secretary General of the Presidency, Juan Gerardo Guerrero, who harassed that the president has made this choice to “avoid any doubt about the commitment of his administration and zero tolerance for misuse of State resources and corruption.”

In addition, Guerrero notes that Arvalo instructs the National Commission Against Corruption, a corporation created on this legislature, to create presidential tips for the usage of official automobiles, “guaranteeing their responsible and ethical use, in line with the principles that will be contained in the Code of ethics for officials.” Finally, he thanked Iturbide for the “service provided to the Government and people of Guatemala.”


For her half, the vice chairman of the Executive of Guatemala, Karim Herrera, She was harsher when she identified in her account of X that “personally, I find what happened in the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources unacceptable.” On the opposite hand, she stated that she respects the road of motion dictated by the president and introduced that the Government Cabinet will handle the explanations for the minister's dismissal, in order that “Abuses of State resources do not occur again in our Government.”

Meanwhile, Arvalo harassed that “with actions, I want to show the people of Guatemala that our government is different” and warned that “We will not tolerate practices that may conflict with the proper behavior of any public servant. Thus, he recognized that the use of public resources by the former minister is a “precedent for our whole cupboard, which can even set standards for different public administration our bodies.”

It so happens that the Government of Arvalo is about to complete his first 100 days after assuming power on January 14 with the main promise of removing the country “from the swamp of corruption”, which has impeded the development of Guatemala in recent decades, causing endemic poverty, as well as high rates of violence with more than 4,000 crimes a year.

Before being dismissed, Iturbide admitted being “conscious of the dangers that the place entails when working to guard the atmosphere and the nation's pure assets,” which is why she said she was willing to “face the difficulties, challenges and the pressures”.