Cautious, Donald Trump renounces a nationwide ban on abortion | EUROtoday

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HASAfter months of procrastination and teasing, Donald Trump has lastly positioned himself on abortion. In a four-minute video posted Monday on his Truth Social community, the previous president defined that he favored letting every state legislate. He is thus turning his again on a possible ban on the nationwide degree which his base is in favor of… however which risked weighing him down throughout the presidential election on November 5.

Since the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, in June 2022, returning the ball to the States' courtroom, the protection of the best to abortion has, in reality, galvanized Democratic voters. And stays the perfect asset of a Joe Biden in issue within the polls.

“My position, what the states will determine (what is legal) by laws or referendums,” started the Republican candidate. “Many (states) will have a different number of weeks” on how lengthy an abortion is permitted. “Some will be more conservative than others. In the end, it is the will of the people that counts. »

Biden strikes back

Joe Biden, unsurprisingly, took issue with this balancing act: “Donald Trump is the person responsible for the end of Roe v. Wade. Women today have fewer rights than their mothers […] Trump is in trouble, and he's afraid voters will hold him accountable in 2024! »

In the process, the Democratic president's campaign launched a video telling the story of Amanda Zurawski, a Texan who almost died from an infection because doctors refused to terminate her doomed pregnancy after premature water loss. The clip ends with tears and the message “Donald Trump did this.”

Campaign promise

In 2016, facing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump campaigned to end the Roe v Wade ruling, which legalized the right to abortion across the country half a century ago. He kept this promise during his mandate by appointing three ultraconservative judges to the Supreme Court – well helped by the boss of the Republicans in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, who blocked Obama's candidate in an election year in 2016 before forcing the confirmation of 'Amy Coney Barrett ten days before the 2020 election to replace the judge champion of women's rights, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died a little earlier.

READ ALSO US presidential election: polarization is not what you thinkThe 1973 ruling, which never really seemed in danger – so much so that the Democrats did not attempt to codify it into law despite their super majority in the Senate under Obama in 2008 – is revoked in June 2022. Since then, around twenty conservative states have either banned abortion, like Texas, or reduced its legal duration, for some to only six weeks, like South Carolina or Florida from May 1.

The Achilles heel of the Republicans

First stunned, the Democrats mobilized at the polls. The Republican wave announced for the midterms of 2022 is pschitt, and the Democrats are doing better than the polls predicted in the local elections last November. Above all, in six referendums organized over the last two years to protect the right to abortion, pro-abortionists achieved a solid success, including in conservative states like Kansas and Ohio. During the Republican primary, Donald Trump attacked Ron DeSantis, saying that the “heartbeat” legal guidelines, which prohibit abortion after six or eight weeks, have been too restrictive.

READ ALSO The day I attended a listening to on abortion and trans youngsters in MaineAs not too long ago as mid-March, Donald Trump appeared, in an interview, to assist the thought of ​​a federal regulation limiting abortion to fifteen weeks, a length that, in keeping with him, there may be consensus. Before backtracking on Monday, and recalling that he’s, “like Reagan”, in favor of authorized exceptions authorizing an abortion in instances of rape, incest, or threat to the mom's well being. He additionally supported in vitro fertilization, which Alabama threatened in late February. “You have to follow your heart on these issues, but don't forget, you also have to win elections,” the previous president candidly justifies.

Is Donald Trump proper to backtrack to raised defend himself in opposition to Joe Biden? “Potentially, but he takes the risk of satisfying no one,” judges Doug Heye, former spokesperson for the Republican National Committee. Trump's announcement this Monday was attacked by each the American left and the non secular proper. Verdict on November 5.