PSOE and PP change their vote on the final minute and assist processing the regularization of 500,000 immigrants | EUROtoday

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The PSOE has ended up giving in to stress from the 700.000 personas who’ve supported with their signature a Popular Legislative Initiative (ILP) to legalize foreigners residing in Spain irregularly and that of their very own accomplice within the coalition Government and have lastly voted in favor of the parliamentary processing of this proposal . However, he has warned that his resolution to permit such a measure to be considered can be conditional on the presentation of “amendments” to restrict its scope.

“We want to confront this phenomenon of immigration in an intelligent and reasonable way: it is not about an open bar or closing borders, it is about knowing that a country like ours needs and will need thousands of immigrants even to be able to sustain its fabric productive,” argued the socialist spokesperson in Congress, Patxi Lopezto justify the change in place of their formation.

In Pedro Sánchez's celebration that they had acknowledged that that they had doubts in regards to the authorized match of the regularization promoted by the Essential Platform -made up of varied social organizations-, thus slipping the opportunity of not even supporting the initiation of the method within the Lower House. Specifically, it was identified that the authorized framework of the European Union wouldn’t enable a “generalized” strategy of supply of papers such because the one proposed within the ILP, wherein the one restrict set is that the beneficiaries have been residing in Spain earlier than November 1, 2021.

? LIVE | Debate on the regularization of some 500,000 migrants and different ILPs

From Sumar, in flip, this Monday that they had intensified public stress on their accomplice to permit this proposal to be considered whereas, in response to sources from Yolanda Díaz's celebration, they have been holding “permanent conversations” in personal towards the clock, since that the proposal was being voted on this afternoon within the Plenary Session of Congress. The second vp's workforce is happy with the “turnaround” in place even if it’s accompanied by the announcement of amendments, which can forestall the regularization of all the 500,000 immigrants who’re estimated to be dwelling in an irregular state of affairs.

The spokesperson in Congress for this plurinational house, Iñigo Errejón, framed the PSOE's change of opinion within the mobilization of social organizations that promote this measure wherein his parliamentary group has been concerned with “an enthusiastic yes” from the start. “Likewise, the concatenation of electoral dates has also had an influence and, I have to say, I am not even baptized, the Catholic Church has done a good job in a line that we share, which is to commit to those who have it most difficult. “, he added in response to journalists' questions at a press convention.

The socialists haven’t specified what the scope of their amendments can be and haven’t reported on Sumar itself, the place they restrict them to a “generic will” to “discuss technical issues.” Díaz's workforce insists on specializing in the truth that taking the ILP into consideration is “very good news” and that it sends a “magnificent message” to the organizations that “mobilizing is useful” and to society that “Spain is a democratic country that does not want to have first and second class citizens.

PP and Junts, also in favor

In addition to the vote in favor of the coalition partners, the start of the parliamentary process has been supported by ERC, Bildu, BNG and PNV, which had already announced that this would be their position; of Junts, which has joined the block of Yeah but remembering that what it aspires to is the fulfillment of the commitment to transfer immigration powers to the Generalitat of Catalonia that the socialists accepted in exchange for their abstention in the anti-crisis decrees; and the PP, which had initially been against it due to the “name impact” that this measure could have.

The main opposition party acknowledges that they have reconsidered their refusal to take it into consideration because they have been asked to do so. Caritas, although they have still been very critical of an eventual legalization process for undocumented immigrants. “We should be clear that it will not be accountable or constructive to ship the message that in Spain irregular arrival routes find yourself being authorised by means of extraordinary regularization procedures,” the deputy warned. popularSofia Acedo.

In this way, Vox has been left alone in the no to the processing using as arguments the “rapes and murders” that they attribute to the presence of foreign citizens and the risk of “having jihad and persecution of Christians right here.” To which the deputy Rocio de Meer He added: “We need Spain to proceed being Spain and never Morocco, nor Algeria, nor Senegal. This just isn’t hatred, nor xenophobia, nor racism, it’s pure frequent sense.”

In Sumar they have already announced that they are not going to allow the PSOE to be tempted to leave this IPL kept in a drawer as happened with other parliamentary initiatives during the last legislative session that ended up stalled in the Congressional procedures. In the second vice president's party they assure that, after the approval of its consideration, this initiative is now “a mandate” and that “the Government has to hold it out”, so they are going to urge their partner in La Moncloa to create a working group as quickly as possible in which all the ministries that have powers in this matter are present.