Charity slammed for urging younger individuals to make use of puberty blockers | UK | News | EUROtoday

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A charity which has obtained £220,000 from the taxpayer has been accused of focusing on weak younger individuals to encourage them to make use of puberty blockers.

Space Youth Project in Dorset claims to “support young people who are or may be LGBT+” and “overcome issues caused or intensified by prejudice in order to facilitate freedom of expression”.

But MP for West Dorset Chris Loder says that activist charities like this are “given unfettered access” to main and secondary-aged kids with out parental information or consent.

He mentioned: “Puberty blockers are a hormonal medication that pause the natural development of puberty, such as breast or facial hair development.

“There is no longitudinal evidence to support the use of puberty blockers, which have potentially irreversible and long-lasting physical and psychological effects.

“In Dorset, publicly funded activist organisations are targeting young people and children.

“Organisations like the Space Youth Project, a Dorset-based charity which has received £220,000 from the taxpayer since 2019, and which seeks to ‘educate’ and ‘advise’ children and young people that identify or associate with the ‘LGBT+ community’ in schools, without parental knowledge.

“It’s an organisation that boasts a membership in Dorset of 100 children under the age of 16 and runs ‘awareness’ events that reach nearly 3,000 young people in the last year alone.”

Over the previous few months, Mr Loder mentioned an growing variety of mother and father have been in contact with him to share their experiences of how uncovered and weak their kids have been relating to discussions round gender identification with third events.

It comes simply weeks after NHS England introduced they have been banning the prescription of puberty blockers as there was “not enough evidence” that they have been secure or efficient.

In Dorset – which Mr Loder says is within the prime 10 per cent of NHS areas for referrals for kids to a Gender Identity Clinic – referrals have been made immediately by academics, charity employees and others with out the information of a GP, or in some circumstances the kid’s mother and father too.

Mother-of-three Naomi Patterson slammed Space, saying they have been encouraging her daughter – who had questioned her gender on the age of 12 – to transition regardless of not being assessed by a medical skilled.

Ms Patterson, 41, mentioned: “In 2017, my daughter wrote me a letter to say that she wanted to be a boy. I started to question where this came from because it was out of the blue.

“And basically, it just escalated – it felt like I was in a no-win situation. If I were to say that I would support her, I was seen as encouraging my daughter, but if I didn’t support her, I was seen as impacting her mental health.

“So, I challenged it because I didn’t think it was right – I didn’t know where it was all coming from, and I was met with social services.

“They said that I was neglecting my daughter, and they were going to bring a group to me and my husband to talk about gender dysphoria – it was Space.

“Space came with the social worker, and they were really forceful. They came into our home and told me and my husband that if my daughter decided that she wanted to be a boy, then we’d be discriminating against her if we didn’t go along with it.”

Ms Patterson mentioned that since talking out in regards to the “parent-blame” tradition activist teams have created, she has been met with extreme bullying and a hate marketing campaign in opposition to her, with members of her group calling her “anti-trans”.

She added: “My daughter was never seen by a medical professional and now she’s 19, she’s realised that this gender questioning was down to past trauma.

“She now thanks me for never taking her to a Gender Identity Clinic, but I’m concerned about how many children are being influenced by Space.”

Ms Patterson, from Dorset, mentioned that even after her daughter had determined that transitioning wasn’t the best resolution for her – one thing she had communicated with social providers – Space made a go to to her daughter’s college with out her figuring out.

She added: “They were teaching her about puberty blockers and breast binders – confusing her further and I had no idea about it.”

Earlier this week, a landmark assessment mentioned that kids have been let down by a scarcity of analysis and “remarkably weak” proof on medical interventions in gender care.

The Cass Review, revealed on Wednesday by paediatrician Dr Hilary Cass, requires gender providers for younger individuals to match the requirements of different NHS care.

She says the “toxicity” of the controversy round gender meant professionals have been “afraid” to brazenly talk about their views.

NHS England says it has already made vital progress in making modifications.

Space and Dorset Council have been contacted for remark.