Rishi Sunak denies lack of management over dealing with of Will Wragg scandal | Politics | News | EUROtoday

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Rishi Sunak has rejected claims he confirmed a scarcity of management over the Will Wragg honeytrap scandal, after the embattled MP surrendered the Tory Party whip final evening.

Appearing on a phone-in present on LBC this morning, Mr Sunak was confronted by a livid voter who accused the PM of letting Mr Wragg “sack himself”.

Sarah in Cardiff lambasted the Tory chief: “You’ve spoken about being tough on criminals this morning, but William Wragg who put his colleagues’ and the country’s security at risk had to sack himself!

“Doesn’t that show a complete lack and failure of leadership by yourself?”

Mr Sunak rejected this allegation, arguing that Mr Wragg had “rightly” apologised for his actions.

Pressed on his dealing with of the row, Mr Sunak was requested whether or not he agreed with Jeremy Hunt’s evaluation that Mr Wragg’s earlier apology had been “courageous and fulsome”.

The PM refused to say why he didn’t act in opposition to Mr Wragg earlier, saying there’s a police investigation ongoing into the broader honeytrap plot and “it’s important we work through these things in due time”.

“He’s resigned from all his various positions including from the Conservative Party whip, and the important thing here is we let the police investigations run their course but also that it’s a reminder about the importance for people in public life that they take care with unsolicited messages.”

LBC’s Nick Ferrari put Labour’s criticism to Mr Sunak, with the opposition accusing him of “weakness”.

Mr Sunak stated folks can decide him for his dealing with of the scandal.

“People can judge me if they want to judge me on that, that’s fine, I accept that.

“When it comes to ‘weakness’, Sir Keir Starmer still hasn’t answered any questions properly about what’s going on with Angela Rayner.

“When it comes to me and my affairs people are very happy to ask lots of questions, including Angela Rayner herself.”

Pivoting the dialog, Mr Sunak argued there are “clear questions” for the deputy Prime Minister-in-waiting to reply about her tax affairs.

Mr Wragg resigned the Tory social gathering whip final evening, a day after having stepped down as vice chairman of the backbench 1922 Committee, and as chairman of the House of Commons constitutional affairs committee.

The Hazel Grove MP will now sit as an impartial MP.

The Tory Party chairman, Richard Holden, stated it was proper for Mr Wragg to resign the whip regardless of the social gathering defending him for a lot of the final week.

Asked by Sky News whether or not Mr Wragg had jumped or been pushed, Mr Holden stated the MP “made his decision”.

He added: “It’s quite clear his career in public life is at an end”.
