employer divisions on the common time financial savings account | EUROtoday

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Michel Picon, president of the Union of Local Businesses, October 16, 2023, in Paris.

The employers usually are not popping out unscathed. Wednesday April 10, a couple of hours after the top of the negotiations “for a new pact for life at work” which resulted in failure, the smaller employers' group lectured its “big sister” copiously. In a bitter press launch, the Union of Local Businesses (U2P), which defends merchants, craftsmen and liberal professions, criticized Medef for having swept away ” the essential “ of his proposals, seeing in them proof of“archaism”.

It is time, she added, to return to practices “loyal and balanced”by confirming its need to in a short time reopen discussions with social stakeholders on a key theme: the common time financial savings account (CETU).

The unions may have taken up the criticisms made by the U2P. Michel Picon, the president of the motion, finds, in reality, that Medef confirmed itself little or no open to compromise through the cycle of talks, which ended through the evening from Tuesday to Wednesday. “One wonders if he wanted to conclude the exchanges positively”, confides Mr. Picon. And to proceed: “This is not my idea of ​​collective bargaining. There are subjects on which we could take a step towards the employee confederations. »

A gas factory

The U2P number one cites, in particular, the CETU. This system, requested for a long time by the CFDT, aims to grant break times to workers during their careers. It can play in favor of the attractiveness of small companies, according to Mr. Picon. The idea of ​​introducing such a mechanism was on the agenda of the negotiations “for a new pact for life at work”however it was dominated out alongside the best way, as a result of Medef and the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CPME) didn’t need it, believing that it was a fuel plant.

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U2P defends the alternative standpoint. It is for that reason that, on Wednesday, it invited all employers' and workers' organizations to take part, on April 16, in negotiations dedicated to CETU. A single dialogue session may very well be sufficient to finish the work, as draft texts have already been drawn up. The goal is to pose a ” basement “in line with Mr. Picon's components, taking care to not create ” charge “ new for bosses and by entrusting the administration of the system to a corporation exterior to firms – for instance, the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations.

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