News for mutual members who swap to Social Security: they have to be within the mutual earlier than 2005 and can keep pluriactivity | Economy | EUROtoday

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Social Security is revealing new particulars concerning the circumstances that have to be met by professionals who now contribute to social safety mutual societies which can be options to Social Security, to switch their accrued contributions to the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (RETA) and thus enhance their advantages. retirement, widowhood and incapacity, amongst others. This demand to create a walkway to RETA It has been claimed for a number of years, primarily by legal professionals and attorneys, who estimate that these affected are within the tens of hundreds all through Spain. In truth, these teams have referred to as their third main demonstration on Saturday to demand this switch of their contributions to the general public pension system. Those affected complain of receiving depressing pensions – between 300 and 600 euros per 30 days – after many years of contributing solely to the mutual insurance coverage firm.

The information introduced this Friday by Social Security on the Telegram channel of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration are basically two. The first is that it’s going to embody sooner or later rescue of funds (accrued contributions) or gateway “those mutual members in a vulnerable situation who were in a mutual society before the change from the collective capitalization system to an individual one, which in the case of lawyers , the largest of the mutual societies, was in 2005″. In this way, the rule that Social Security is developing – and which is still pending regulatory development – establishes having contributed to a mutual insurance company before 2005 as the first requirement to access the aforementioned gateway. Furthermore, the Ministry thus expands the group that will be able to transfer their contributions to the public system, after initially announcing that the change would only be allowed if they had contributed before 1996.

Government officials have also recalled that, starting in 2027, it will be mandatory for new registered professionals to register with the RETA, “eliminating the option of alternative coverage with a mutual insurance company, except in cases of multiple activities.” And here comes the second of the news advanced this Friday by the department headed by Elma Sáiz, and that is that the future mandatory inclusion in the RETA will not affect situations of pluriactivity. It would be the case, for example, of doctors contributing to both public and private healthcare, say sources familiar with these measures.

Although, the new Social Security proposal to mutual members implies that the RETA gateway will only be granted to professionals “in a current situation of vulnerability”, but they have not yet specified what situations or income levels will determine said status, something that must be included in the regulatory development. One of the indicators that would point to this circumstance would be, for example, those who do not have the minimum period to access a Social Security pension.

Likewise, the Ministry maintains, as announced, that to equate the contributions of the alternative mutual society with the RETA contributions, the amount of the contributions that the mutual member must pay to Social Security will be progressively increased, “from the current 80% up to 100% of the minimum base of the general scale of the self-employed regime.” This shall be what’s going to make sure the sufficiency of mutual advantages, the Ministry states.

For all this, and in view of the demonstration called for this Saturday, Social Security assures that with these measures “the Government responds to a requirement from a bunch of pros who, being within the subject of personal mutuality, need to be a part of the general public regime. of safety supplied by Social Security.”

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