throughout a gathering in Amiens, the communists goal the left | EUROtoday

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The head of the French Communist Party list for the next European elections, Léon Deffontaines, during a public meeting in Lille, March 15, 2024.

A welcome with fanfare… which step by step provides option to a rap music to the glory of the pinnacle of the communist checklist: “Léon is our hope, our pride. We are reviving industry, we are creating jobs. » Enough to set the tone, Thursday evening, for the first meeting to launch the campaign of the candidate of the French Communist Party (PCF), Léon Deffontaines. Nearly 1,000 people were present at the Mégacité exhibition center in Amiens, the town where he comes from, chanting the slogan: “Léon in Brussels. »

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THE “youngest candidate” of the European elections may additionally depend on the presence of the nationwide secretary of the PCF, Fabien Roussel, who, earlier than the speech of his protégé, took as his slogan “slap liberal Europe in the face”.

In flip, to heat the room, a number of working mates took to the podium. Trade unionists, like Héloise Dhalluin, railway employee and communist regional councilor of Hauts-de-France, who’s main a struggle in order that “transport serves the population and the territory”. Or even Fabien Gâche, CGT commerce unionist at Renault, in seventh place on the communist checklist, who notably desires “put an end to the reign of competition between peoples by harmonizing from above the social level of European workers with good wages indexed to inflation “.

“Large democratic fraud”

During the almost three hours of the meeting, the 2005 European constitutional treaty was at the heart of the criticism. “We still haven’t digested it”, stormed Emmanuel Maurel, outgoing MEP. Léon Deffontaines also posed himself as the defender of those who experienced deindustrialization by evoking the cases of factory closures of Whirlpool, Continental and Goodyear, which marked his region.

It's time to “the left of 2005 is making its comeback to the European Parliament, launched the communist candidate. In 2005, hand in hand, the right and Mr. Glucksmann's socialists organized this large-scale democratic fraud. » “For what result?” Austerity and messy free commerce agreements »he insisted, earlier than castigating “the federal government and its majority [qui] are beginning once more right now with CETA ». The former head of communist youth additionally took the chance to focus on at size the lately introduced funds cuts and pose because the defender of the French public service whereas the federal government has simply introduced a reform of the civil service.

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