Farage warns EU’s ‘bullying’ bureaucrats as he teases huge announcement | Politics | News | EUROtoday

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Nigel Farage will return to Brussels this week for the primary time since Brexit with the message that the UK won’t be the final nation to go away the EU.

The former Ukip chief can count on controversy when he and former Home Secretary Suella Braverman communicate at a convention that can even be addressed by Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán.

Mr Farage is predicted to fulfill Mr Orbán, who has been condemned for his place on points starting from homosexual rights to the struggle in Ukraine.

The National Conservativism convention is a landmark gathering for the populist Right forward of June’s European Parliament elections.

Former MEP Mr Farage will inform the attendees: “I return to Brussels to encourage you all in the upcoming European elections. We won our battle and have left these undemocratic, bullying institutions.

“You now have greater strength in numbers than than we ever did, there are more of you. So fight for the independent nation state, win these elections and shape a new democratic future for a Europe of nation states.”

Mr Farage, a buddy of doubtless Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump, has signalled he’ll make a “big announcement” about his future plans within the coming weeks. He is honorary president of Reform UK, which is at 9 per cent within the newest WeAssume polls – forward of the Liberal Democrats on seven per cent and behind the Conservatives on 20 per cent and Labour on 36 per cent.

Mr Farage informed the Sunday Express: “Britain was the first country to break free of the EU but it won’t be the last – these upcoming elections are the start of that process.”

The European Parliament elections to decide on 720 MEPs run from June 6-9 throughout 27 nations. Earlier this 12 months the European Council on Foreign Relations predicted that the elections “will see a major shift to the Right in many countries, with populist radical Right parties gaining votes and seats across the EU, and centre-Left and Green parties losing votes and seats”.

It forecast that “anti-European populists” would high the polls in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Slovakia.

Conference organisers declare they’ve been contacted by the Brussels venue with the message it not desires to host the gathering. The Brussels Times stories that “anti-fascist organisations” have protested in opposition to the occasion.
