Latest political information, reside | Sánchez, at a rally in San Sebastián: “In the face of the mud of the opposition, we are going to demand clean politics” | Spain | EUROtoday

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Basque Country | Sánchez: “In the face of the mud of the opposition, we are going to demand clean politics”

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, took half this Saturday in a marketing campaign occasion in San Sebastián to help the overall secretary of the PSE-EE and candidate for lehendakari, Eneko Andueza. “Faced with the nothingness of the political project of [el líder del PP, Alberto Núñez] Feijóo and [el líder de Vox, Santiago] Abascal, we are going to claim our successes in employment, coexistence and social policies,” he boasted. “In the face of mud, we are going to demand the clean politics that socialists carry out when we have public responsibilities,” he added.

The PSOE was the get together with probably the most votes in Euskadi within the normal elections of 23-J, a mark that it had not achieved since 2008, and Pedro Sánchez has expressly addressed these voters in order that on April 21 they “concentrate” their poll on the candidacy of Eneko Andueza for Lehendakaritza “to make Euskadi a land that progresses in coexistence and stability.” According to all of the polls, the Basque socialists are consolidated because the third get together that may get hold of probably the most help however removed from the heart beat that the PNV and EH Bildu preserve.

The President of the Government has defended the popularity of the Palestinian State on the central PSE marketing campaign rally, which was attended by some 950 individuals in San Sebastián: “Euskadi and Spain are pacifist societies and today we have a pacifist government in Spain that defends human rights. human rights and the principles embodied in the United Nations Charter. The two-state solution, the mutual recognition of both Israel and Palestine, is a solution in accordance with international legality, despite what Aznar says. “It is a peace solution and it is pure common sense,” Sánchez burdened within the face of criticism from the previous president and Isabel Díaz Ayuso to acknowledge Palestine, evidencing the division that the Government's response arouses inside the PP to contribute, in response to Sánchez, to “end the inhumane war that the Palestinians are experiencing.”

“We are the truly useful left. We are the vote of security, of stability, who knows how to govern and does it well, the safe vote. We are not an ephemeral project compared to those who spend their lives in internal fights and with whom the vote is lost,” Andueza claimed in an occasion that was additionally attended by Vice President Idoia Mendia; the Secretary of Organization of the PSOE, Santos Cerdán; the spokesperson for the Executive and Minister of Education and Sports, Pilar Alegría; and Patxi López, the socialist spokesperson in Congress.

“The only proposal of some is independence, which can never be the solution. Independence is a problem that divides, that impoverishes, that means that Euskadi will not have opportunities, that confronts us and prevents Euskadi from moving forward. I do not want independence for Euskadi, I want a future for Euskadi and whoever wants to know what it means to embark on a path towards independence can do one thing, go to Catalonia and ask the Catalans,” added the PSE candidate. , which hopes to revalidate the government coalition with the PNV.

“Our project is called coexistence,” shared Denis Itxaso, the pinnacle of the record for Gipuzkoa. “We cannot fall into the amnesia of the past. It would be an immoral shortcut that we would end up paying dearly for. We have paid too high a price to achieve peace and freedom and we must wake up from that moral nap to which those who find it difficult to look in the mirror want to subject us because they do not like the reflection of the past that it returns to them. Basque socialism is what offers a project to close the wounds of the past and address a future without revenge and sectarianism,” he added in one other implicit criticism of EH Bildu.