Humza Yousaf branded ‘deeply and more and more unpopular’ after new ballot blow | Politics | News | EUROtoday

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Humza Yousaf’s recognition has plunged with each SNP supporters and the general public, new polling reveals.

In a blow to the Scottish First Minister, the survey by Norstat discovered simply 29% of SNP voters stated he’s doing an excellent job in contrast with 36% who stated he’s doing badly giving him a internet rating of minus seven.

It marks a significant drop since January when he had a internet ranking of 14 and comes after a furore over controversial new hate crime legal guidelines.

Among most people in Scotland, Mr Yousaf’s internet recognition rating is down 15 factors to minus 32.

Sir John Curtice, the polling guru and professor of politics at Strathclyde University, informed the Sunday Times the polling reveals the SNP chief “is deeply and increasingly unpopular”.

Scottish Labour chief Anas Sawar has a internet ranking of minus 17, whereas Scottish Tory chief Douglass Ross was on minus 38.

The ballot of 1,086 folks aged 16 or over in Scotland discovered the SNP is neck and neck with Labour on 32% in the case of Westminster voting intention.

It is the bottom rating the nationalists have recorded with the polling firm because the 2014 Scottish independence referendum.

The Tories are on 16%, the Lib Dems choose up 9%, whereas Nigel Farage-linked Reform UK is on 5%.

The pro-nationalist vote dangers being break up with the Greens backed by 4% and Alex Salmond’s Alba Party taking 2%.

Support amongst Scots for breaking away from the UK stands at 47% when undecided voters are excluded, in contrast with 53% backing the Union within the survey carried out between April 9 and 12.