Laura Kuenssberg pinpoints ‘quick political drawback’ for ‘hypocrite’ Angela Rayner | Politics | News | EUROtoday

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BBC presenter Laura Kuenssberg has warned of an “immediate political problem” after police launched an investigation into Labour’s deputy chief Angela Rayner.

A police spokesman mentioned the drive was taking a look at “whether any offences have been committed” after claims she could have given false details about her essential residence.

Ms Rayner denies any wrongdoing and Sir Keir Starmer mentioned he was “fully confident” she complied with the principles.

But Laura Kuenssberg mentioned the investigation results in an “immediate political problem”, including: “When Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak were being investigated by police over Partygate, Rayner herself suggested they should stand down just because of that.”

One Labour insider suggests “the reason this is particularly damaging for her is that she looks like a hypocrite – being a woman of the people who has come from nowhere was so valuable to her political brand – now she can’t be the attack dog on ethics and standards”.

The police investigation has been prompted by a criticism from Tory deputy chairman James Daly.

A spokesman for Greater Manchester Police mentioned: “We’re investigating whether any offences have been committed. This follows a reassessment of the information provided to us by Mr Daly.”

There are questions over whether or not the Ashton-under-Lyne MP ought to have paid capital beneficial properties tax on the 2015 sale of her ex-council home.

Sir Keir instructed ITV: “She’s given answers on the issue many, many times over, she’s clearly said she’ll cooperate with the police. I do think now is the time to let the police get on with their investigation, get on with the work they need to do, she’ll cooperate with that which is exactly what you’d expect of her.”

Ms Rayner purchased the property in Vicarage Road in Stockport, Greater Manchester, with a 25% low cost in 2007 below the right-to-buy scheme.

The former carer is claimed to have made a £48,500 revenue when promoting the home eight years later.

She has insisted she lived other than Mark Rayner after they married in 2010 till she offered her property in 2015.

Her then-husband was listed at one other handle in Lowndes Lane, a couple of mile away, the place Ms Rayner is claimed to have re-registered the births of her two youngest kids.