Trade: Scholz requires truthful competitors for the auto trade in China | EUROtoday

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During his journey to China, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) expressed his help for Chinese autos in Europe – but in addition known as for a similar entry to the Chinese marketplace for European vehicles. “The only thing that must always be clear is that the competition must be fair,” stated Scholz throughout a dialogue with college students at Tongji University in Shanghai. “So that there is no dumping, that there is no overproduction, that no copyright is being violated.”

Companies must be allowed to arrange manufacturing services with out this being made tougher by bureaucratic hurdles. “Of course we want our companies to have no restrictions. But conversely, we behave exactly as we intend to here,” stated Scholz, referring to German skepticism about tendencies inside the EU to defend the markets towards worldwide competitors.

The latter was beforehand warned by the President of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen at. There is presently a “drastic overproduction of electric vehicles in China, coupled with massive government subsidies,” she instructed the editorial community Germany (RND). The USA, Brazil, Mexico and Turkey have already sealed off their markets.

“The EU cannot be the only market that remains open to Chinese overproduction,” stated von der Leyen. “We must not experience in Europe the same thing that happened with solar panels: that state-subsidized dumping prices unfairly force European manufacturers out of the market and that the bottom line is that production then goes to China.”

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