The “hundred days” of Gabriel Attal in Matignon, in opposite winds | EUROtoday

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The Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, in his office in Matignon, April 4, 2024.

Gabriel Attal savors, exhilarated by the “standing ovation” he receives 5,000 kilometers from Matignon and his crises. From Quebec, a couple of centimeters from the “throne » – furniture making up the platform and the chair of the presidency of the National Assembly of the Belle Province -, the Prime Minister has just closed, this Thursday, April 11, his speech to the local deputies. Forty years after the words of Laurent Fabius, the new youngest Prime Minister of the Ve Republic – he is 35 years old – exalts, from the blue room, a secularism in “heart of our identity” frequent that have to be defended, a French language that have to be protected and a youth “adventurous” for which we should struggle. “It is through youth, always through youth, that we will triumph! “, he says, borrowing the accents of a head of state.

Also read the portrait: Article reserved for our subscribers Gabriel Attal at Matignon, the spectacular promotion of a loyalist of the Head of State

Quebec elected officials wholeheartedly applaud this head of the French government who, in less than thirty minutes, attempts to strengthen ties, a distended time, between the two “cousins” to “intertwined identities”based on the President of the Assembly, Nathalie Roy. “I am well aware that this applause is for France”had admitted, in February 2009, Nicolas Sarkozy, earlier than the identical Assembly.

But this Thursday, Gabriel Attal wants to believe in his own success. And confided, during the dinner organized a few hours later by his Quebec counterpart, François Legault, to have been “touched personally” by the Canadian welcome, in Quebec and in Ottawa, where he was received with ceremonial respect worthy of a President of the Republic. “You probably don't follow French news closely but I don't have such a welcome in the National Assembly [en France] “, he jokes, a glass of Quebec ice cider in hand.

“We’ll see in six months”

In Paris, the Prime Minister is crusing right into a headwind. At the daybreak of his hundred days on the head of the manager, the state of affairs of public funds, uncontrolled, issues political leaders and deprives him of room for maneuver. “It will end badly”alert in an interview with Sunday newspaper, on April 14, Gérard Larcher, president (Les Républicains, LR) of the Senate; the introduced reforms of unemployment insurance coverage and the standing of civil servants are straining; and week after week, the National Rally (RN) confirms its lead, within the polls, within the run-up to the European elections on June 9, dangerously distancing the presidential camp's checklist. The dangerous dynamic is such that the socialist left, led by Raphaël Glucksmann, begins to dream of a second place on this essential election for the Macronist DNA, imagining overtaking the checklist led by the Renaissance candidate, Valérie Hayer.

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