In the Vercors, Emmanuel Macron denounces the crimes of the Militia | EUROtoday

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Emmanuel Macron at the Resistance cemetery, in Vassieux-en-Vercors (Drôme), April 16, 2024.

Emmanuel Macron granted himself, on Tuesday April 16, the standing of the primary head of state to preside over a commemorative ceremony in Vassieux-en-Vercors, within the Drôme, scene, in July 1944, of the bloodbath of 73 villagers by the Wehrmacht , the military of the Third Reich. In this excessive place of the Resistance that was the Vercors maquis, he continued the commemorations of the 80e birthday of “the victory of the free world against Nazism”.

General de Gaulle had made a “quick stop” in 1963; François Mitterrand needed to give it up in 1994 on account of his sickness; Nicolas Sarkozy went to La Chapelle-en-Vercors in 2009; In 2014, François Hollande despatched his prime minister, Manuel Valls, to Vassieux-en-Vercors.

However, in view of the tragedy skilled by this martyred village, the place every household cultivates the reminiscence of a relative examined by the struggle and the place every road (des Fusillés, du Mémorial, Jean-Moulin, and so on.) remembers the struggle, the approaching of 'a President of the Republic in Vassieux-en-Vercors, ” that's the lesser of it “estimates Daniel Huillier, 95 years outdated, president of the National Association of Pioneers and Volunteer Fighters of the Vercors Maquis.

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The 73 victims “were 18 months to 91 years old”, remembers the mayor, Thomas Ottenheimer, in his welcoming speech. Their ” crime “ was to have fought against the occupier or helped valiant fighters ». Young college students wrote down their names, “forever engraved in stone” of martyrology, within the coronary heart of the village.

“A moral choice: resist or collaborate”

As early as 1942, the writers Pierre Dalloz and Jean Prévost shaped the undertaking of putting in a maquis within the pure fortress of Vercors, “two prairie cantons protected on all sides by a Chinese wall”, describes Emmanuel Macron in his speech. General de Gaulle provides his approval. “Those who refused the armistice signed by Pétain or fled the persecutions of his regime then went up to the plateaucontinues the president. They were making a moral choice: resist or collaborate. »

These first resistance fighters found in this isolated plain the “silent brotherhood of Vercors”the place the slag “became a supply worker while making his rounds”the poacher “unfolded a map to indicate safe places”. The inhabitants of Vassieux-en-Vercors “were caught in this dynamic, they did not necessarily realize the risks they were taking”confirms to World Mr. Ottenheimer.

On April 16, 1944, the Militia, beneath the command of Raoul Dagostini, launched the repression in opposition to the Vercors Resistance. “For eight days, the farms will likely be pillaged, burned, inhabitants tortured, others, later, deported, and three of them shot for having been denounced by the French »relates the Head of State, on the village sq. swept by an icy wind, in entrance of some hundred individuals. Servants of the regime of Pétain and Laval, troopers beneath the command of Joseph Darnand, these French individuals betray France out of a need for revenge, out of a need for penance »he condemns.

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