in Nice, Gabriel Attal praises his repressive technique | EUROtoday

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Gabriel Attal meets students during a visit to the Parc Impérial high school to launch an “educational boarding school” experience for students in difficulty, in Nice, April 22, 2024.

On the board, two sentences had been written to introduce the lesson of the day. The first is an African proverb: “It takes a village to educate a child.” But Gabriel Attal prefers the second, a quote from the Greek tragedian Aeschylus: “Discipline is the mother of success.” This Monday, April 22, from the Parc Impérial highschool in Nice, in entrance of round ten highschool dropouts aged 13 to 16, the Prime Minister questions his younger viewers: “What is discipline? » Silence. At the back of the class, a finger raises hesitantly: “It’s respect for oneself… for others.” The tenant of Matignon is getting impatient ” And ? And ? And ? …It’s respect for the rules”, he articulates, frowning. And warns: “Failing to follow the rules always leads to failure.” Behind him, Christian Estrosi, mayor of Nice, formerly of the Les Républicains (LR) party, now a member of Horizons and ” buddy “ self-claimed by the Prime Minister, opines the leader.

Read the decryption | Article reserved for our subscribers Juvenile justice: Gabriel Attal's repressive possibility

After his call to a “surge of authority” to fight against minor violence, launched from Essonne five days earlier, Gabriel Attal dissects his plan to restore “on the right path” students drifting. The Riviera is the scene of the first “educational boarding school”, which should give young people a taste for civic-mindedness and effort in a flash. During the two weeks of spring vacation, around twenty students identified by their respective high schools as highly disruptive, but not delinquent, will be under the eyes of educators and soldiers for a “breakthrough course”.

Sport, theater, civics lessons, cleaning the graves of heroes who died for France… the eclectic program must occupy teenagers addicted to screens and left to their own devices. “We’ll get up early. They will be boosted! “, exclaims the director of the course, Laurent Buonaccorsi, retired from the gendarmerie. “Idleness is the mom of all vices”thinker the Keeper of the Seals, Eric Dupond-Moretti, who factors out the ocean view from the interns' rooms. “Do you find that military? »he smiles.

Gabriel Attal wants each department to be equipped with such a device in the future. And the cost doesn’t matter (around 3,000 euros per student). “It is compatible with the state of our public finances”assures the pinnacle of presidency, who’s chargeable for “put it all together” for the beginning of operations. “I prefer to spend money on boarding schools that prevent young people from becoming delinquent rather than having to spend much more afterwards creating additional places in closed educational centers or repairing damage”he summarizes.

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