What would occur if Pedro Sánchez resigns? Suárez's precedent, 43 years in the past | EUROtoday

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The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has made public by the X community a Letter to Citizens through which he claims to want a time of reflection to weigh whether or not it’s price persevering with. In this manner, the pinnacle of the Executive slips the potential of presenting his resignation. This could be the situation and never the decision for basic elections. Pedro Sánchez, in accordance with the Constitution, can not name the polls till the top of May, when the one-year interval has expired for the reason that final dissolution of the Cortes, one thing that occurred simply after the municipal and regional elections on the twenty eighth. -M.

In this manner, if the resignation of the President of the Government have been confirmed, in accordance with article 101 of the Magna Carta, His Executive would stop with him however would stay in workplace till a brand new president was appointed by the Cortes.

The aforementioned article establishes in its first part that “the Government ceases after the holding of general elections, in cases of loss of parliamentary confidence provided for in the Constitution or due to the resignation or death of its president. And it continues in its second section: “The dismissed Government will proceed in workplace till the inauguration of a brand new Government.” In this case, the first vice president, María Jesús Montero, would lead the Cabinet.

Given that elections could not be called at this timethe appropriate procedure would go through the formula established in article 99, according to which, the King, after consultation with the representatives designated by the political groups with parliamentary representation, and through the president of Congress, would propose a candidate for the presidency of the Government.

This will present its program before Congress and will request the confidence of the House. If Congress grants it by an absolute majority, the king will appoint him president. If it did not achieve this majority, it would be subject to a second vote 48 hours later and in it it would be enough to achieve a simple majority.

In the event that he does not manage to be invested, the King will process successive candidate proposals, but if within a period of two months from the first failed investiture vote no one has achieved the confidence of the Chamber, then yes, Felipe VI would dissolve the elections. Chambers and would call new elections with the endorsement of the president of Congress. With this procedure, a resignation now of the President of the Government could lead to a call for general elections in the middle of summer.

In Spanish democracy there is only one precedent for the resignation of a President of the Government. It was that of Adolfo Suárez on January 29, 1981. His departure gave way to the presidency of Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo. That was an event that has gone down in history because it was accompanied by the attempted coup d'état on February 23rd. The resignation of Suárez, many of whose reasons remain in the shadows, and the coup attempt that occurred less than a month later coinciding with Calvo Sotelo's investiture debate, is considered by many historians as the end of the Transition. The Government of Calvo Sotelo, Suárez's successor, ceased on October 28, 1982 due to the holding of general elections.
