From Plaza Paco Rabal, to Plaza España: PP and Vox need to eradicate the actor and Asunción Balaguer from two plaques in Alpedrete | Madrid News | EUROtoday

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The Alpedrete City Council (Madrid) needs to take away the identify of Asunción Balaguer and Paco Rabal, actors, couple and residents of the city, from a cultural heart and a sq. respectively. The council, ruled by a coalition of PP and Vox, has already eliminated the identify of the actress from the constructing, which it needs to rename as La Cantera, whereas the sq. might be renamed De España. The youngsters of the artists, Teresa and Benito Rabal, have issued an announcement that they’ve disseminated by means of the Actors Union, wherein they categorical their discomfort concerning the change. “There is no reason to support the city council's decision, unless it is the well-known progressive thinking of both actors and their communist militancy, which never prevented them from sharing friendship and affection with those who thought differently,” say the brothers. .

The sq. was named after the actor in 2001, when the PSOE ruled. In this area there may be additionally a sculpture of the interpreter. The cultural heart was renamed after the actress in 2015, on the proposal of the Aisge Foundation (former SGAE), and when Alpedrete Podemos was in energy. The institutional ceremony wherein the interpreter was named after the home of tradition served as a recognition of his profession on the date he turned 90 and was attended by a whole lot of individuals and well-known faces of tradition.

“None of the governments, regardless of their political color, ever showed them any animosity, but rather respect, admiration and various recognitions,” the youngsters say of their assertion. “But above all, and that was their greatest achievement, they always had the love and respect of the population. The same one that they keep in their memory. And it is for all this that we oppose this decision that only aims to attack culture and tarnish the Historical Memory of our country,” they add. Teresa Rabal held a meeting this Thursday with the mayor in which he told her that the decision has not yet been made, however, the sign of the culture center has already been removed.

The spokesperson for the socialist group in the city council, José Gaitán, assures that they have found out about this change “by chance”, because it has not been approved in a plenary session nor had the government team mentioned its intentions to rename these spaces. “The only reason for doing this is the well-known progressive thinking of both actors. We cannot forget that they have been residents of Alpedrete, that they have been admired and respected, two important figures who have put Alpedrete on the map,” says Gaitán. More Madrid denounces that the council has modified the names “expressly and with its again to the folks.” “Less changing names and more respecting the culture, heritage and illustrious residents of this municipality,” councilor Déborah Alcaraz wrote in X.

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