UK spies ‘advised to not shake arms’ with Muslims when assembly them | UK | News | EUROtoday

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UK spies have been advised to not shake arms with Muslims to keep away from offending them, it has been claimed.

Leaked range plans for MI5 and MI6 brokers reportedly embrace a bit wherein a Muslim civil servant is quoted as saying she will not shake arms with members of the other intercourse as a consequence of her faith.

In the assertion, the staffer – who is alleged to work in HR in Whitehall – means that Muslim spies comply with the instance set by Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau.

She advocates for them to make use of his “hand-on-heart greeting” and explicitly state they “don’t shake hands”.

Her steerage for employees exchanging greetings with Muslims is included in a doc that additionally recommends spies take steps to “Support Marginalised People and Groups”.

The doc, named the Mission Critical Toolkit, was first uncovered by GB News’ GBN Investigates group, which reported its inclusion of steerage that recommends spies keep away from “all white panels”, and even nominate one another for range awards.

The toolkit, which was written in July 2022, supplies steerage for MI6, MI5 and GCHQ staffers and consists of passages that additionally state they need to keep away from “alpha behaviours”.

In her assertion included within the doc, the civil servant states that males ought to enable Muslim ladies to “make the first move” throughout a greeting and that girls ought to “allow the Muslim man to make the first move”.

She added that as “a visibly observant Muslim” she doesn’t “shake hands with people of the opposite gender”.

The document adds that recommendations included in the scheme would include benefits like empowering junior colleagues to “share their lived experiences of racism, discrimination, or other biases they have encountered in their workplace”.

The report states that spies are advised to concentrate on unconscious biases and take part in unconscious bias coaching, which was banned in 2020 after the Government concluded it had “no sustained impact on behaviour and may even be counter-productive”.

Speaking to GB News, Harrison Pitt, a senior editor at The European Conservative, stated the doc demonstrated a “woke takeover of the security services”.

A spokesperson for the Cabinet Office stated it’s reviewing its range insurance policies and contemplating a “presumption against” spending on them.

They stated: “A lot of work has been done to review Equality, Diversity and Inclusion spending across Government, particularly over the last year.

“It is correct taxpayers have worth for cash, and we’re contemplating a presumption in opposition to the sort of spending within the Civil Service.”