The CIS of Tezanos carries out a 'flash' survey on Sánchez's continuity whereas the PSOE is dedicated to making sure that he doesn’t resign | EUROtoday

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The Center for Sociological Research (CIS) is creating a survey flash about the way forward for Pedro Sánchez after he revealed the letter on Wednesday wherein he gave himself 5 days to replicate on whether or not he resigns or stays on the head of the Government. Sources from the general public institute directed by José Flix Tezanos verify that the sphere examine – carried out by Abc– ends this Friday and that the outcomes might be revealed “as soon as the data is coded”, as you’ve discovered THE WORLD.

These forms of polls, “faster and closer to a certain political event,” are normally carried out earlier than elections are held as a result of, based on the group's personal clarification, “the number of undecided people is increasing, with high volatility persisting.” within the vote till the final second”. It has also been used exceptionally at other times, such as the motion of censure that Vox presented in 2020 against the still-current president.

The preparation of this CIS survey occurs simultaneously with the campaign launched by the PSOE with José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero at the helm to try to convince Sánchez to stay with the argument that “it’s price it.” This Saturday the Federal Committee of the party meets in an unprecedented display of support for its leader in which the interventions of the attendees will be broadcast through screens placed on Ferraz Street for the militants who attend the rally called at the same time. in front of the party headquarters.