The PP has no doubts with Sánchez: “It is false victimhood, tacticism” typical of an “absolutely irresponsible” | EUROtoday

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The silence that Pedro Sánchez maintains throughout his “reflection” section earlier than saying whether or not he’ll resign as president of the Government It is being utilized by the Popular Party to assault the socialist chief with more and more harshness. In the eyes of the primary opposition occasion, the choice introduced by the top of the Executive is “a false victimhood” that responds to a political “tacticism”, typical of an “absolutely irresponsible” and measured to shut ranks round his determine, Therefore, the primary pressure of the opposition continues to consider presently that Sánchez is not going to resign.

This is what the final secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, thought of this Friday, who harassed, as Alberto Nez Feijo did a day earlier than, that Sánchez tries to show a judicial problem right into a political drawback, in relation to the investigation into his spouse, the which has already been appealed by the fiscal.

“Here we are all, waiting for Monday, for the last episode of this soap opera that he [Snchez] “directs but additionally stars,” the number two of the PP ironically after arguing that for the president the citizens are mere “extras.” She accused the president of commanding a strategy that seeks the “signalization” and “criminalization” of the judges, the media and the opposition.

In Genoa they wait for the president to appear on Monday to take the next step. As this newspaper reports this Friday, Feijo will convene the media after Sánchez's message, and although at this time it is taken for granted that the socialist leader will not resign, the PP is already studying whether Feijo will launch a new investiture if he finally Sánchez's resignation occurs. “Spain deserves a president with accountability and who’s accountable to the Spanish,” said Gamarra, who avoided entering into “lucubrations” and described as “embarrassing” the international impact of having “the nation on pause” for five days.

While waiting to hear the president's decision, his five-day period of reflection considerably alters the political agenda of the parties, which opened the Catalan campaign on Thursday night. The candidate of the Catalan PP, Alejandro Fernndezdefined the move given by Sánchez as a maneuver that “solely happens to the worst manipulative strapas you’ll be able to think about”, in relation to the fact of “mixing the steadiness of the nation you preside over with the depth of your loved ones infatuation.”

In addition, the PSOE decided this Friday to postpone the approval of the electoral list for the European elections until after Sánchez's appearance on Monday. In any case, the socialists will hold the Federal Committee scheduled for this Saturday, without the presence of the president, which will coincide with the mobilizations called from all over Spain to support the socialist leader.

The start of the Catalan campaign also allowed the independence groups to throw darts at the PSOE. Former president Carles Puigdemont considered that in politics you have to come “crying from dwelling”, as the leaders of his party have done. “All residents are equal earlier than the legislation and have to be held accountable,” Gamarra responded within the course of each Sánchez and Puigdemont.