The PP denounces the CIS survey on Sánchez's letter to the Central Electoral Board: “The PSOE is using illegal financing” | EUROtoday

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The PP has denounced to the Central Electoral Board (JEC) that the Center for Sociological Research (CIS) has carried out a fast survey on the letter revealed by the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchezwith which he introduced that he was clearing his public agenda till Monday to mirror on whether or not he would resign from workplace.

The formation justifies its criticism to the Board as a result of it sees the questions as a sort of “illegal financing” by the PSOE in the course of the electoral marketing campaign in Catalonia. “The Popular Party denounces the illegal financing that the PSOE is using to ask Pedro Sánchez to continue in his position as President of the Government,” says the celebration led by Alberto Nez Feijo.

In this fashion, the PP denounces that the Center is asking “absolutely manipulated questions with the aim of offering a distorted vision of social reality”, in reference to Sánchez's letter, to then “provide the data to the PSOE.”

But as well as, the 'fashionable' denounce that the CIS of José Flix Tezanos can be together with in its surveys “manipulated” questions concerning the degree of political rigidity and the functioning of Justice in Spain.

With this panorama, the PP calls for the “immediate stop” of the interviews and the supply of the questionnaire to all political teams. “If the PSOE wants to pressure its general secretary with manipulated polls, let them pay for them,” the PP factors out.

To these protests, the formation provides an alleged “manipulation in the vote estimation” in virtually all electoral processes for the reason that socialist militant José Flix Tezanos presides over the CIS. Also, throughout the framework of the Catalan elections, the pre-electoral surveys revealed in the course of the marketing campaign are hiding the estimated vote and seats for every constituency.

The PP calls for that the CIS make public the microdata of the pre-electoral survey of the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia, since they are saying that they aren’t being revealed “for the first time in two decades” and the Center d'Estudis d'Opini of the Generalitat s has revealed them.

Campaign of letters in response to Sánchez

The Popular Party additionally introduced this Saturday the launch of a citizen marketing campaign in order that Spaniards can write letters to the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, through which they convey their issues.

This initiative responds to the letter revealed on Wednesday by the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezabout his continuity on the head of the Executive after the opening of judicial proceedings in opposition to his spouse for a potential case of affect peddling.


After the five-day reflection interval opened by Sánchez, the PP responds with the marketing campaign “In Legitimate Correspondence” to ask all residents “to respond to Pedro Sánchez's letter to convey the real problems that Spaniards face.” in his day after day”

.The PP also requested citizen collaboration through social networks and launched email ‘’ so that they can send all the letters that the party will send to the President of the Government once they have been collected.

“In this fashion, all Spaniards, whoever they vote for, are requested to put in writing to Sánchez telling him concerning the points that have an effect on them day by day, amongst that are points as severe and worrying because the rising costs, entry to housing or insecurity“, indic.