Jordan Bardella requires “general mobilization”… with out speaking about Europe | EUROtoday

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Jordan Bardella during his speech in Perpignan, May 1, 2024.

Jordan Bardella is main the polls, however he sees enemies throughout him. Abstention, dispersion of votes, Emmanuel Macron's alleged obsession with the far proper, public broadcaster eager to research a celebration surrounded by authorized affairs: the president of the National Rally (RN) devoted a part of his speech on May 1, relocated to Perpignan, to focus on the obstacles to the intense proper's accession to energy. With, in thoughts and within the phrases, 2027 and the Elysée of their sights, rather more than the month of June and the Strasbourg hemicycle.

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The European election is approaching and Jordan Bardella now prefers to speak about the whole lot besides the European Union. Marine Le Pen's inheritor obvious has by no means mentioned the refined balances that govern the European Parliament. But at the very least he took care, at first of the marketing campaign, to dwell on the dreamed introduction of a “Europe of Nations”opposite to a mannequin personified by the President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, accused “to organize the erasure of peoples and nations”.

Less than forty days earlier than the election, group points have positively been relegated to the background by the frontist head of the listing, obsessive about “general mobilization” of his troops in an election that he considers to be a decisive step in direction of the following presidential election.

“For every French patriot, participation in this election is a duty, a command”launched the MEP, fearing that the great omens of the polls – 32%, in accordance with the fourth wave of the electoral survey carried out by Ipsos, in partnership with the Center for Political Research of Sciences Po (Cevipof), the Institut Montaigne , the Jean Jaurès Foundation and The world – doesn’t demobilize sure voters. For these, he estimated, “not voting means voting Macron”.

During Jordan Bardella's speech, in Perpignan, May 1, 2024.

Two guarantees

Above all, Jordan Bardella reached out to virtually the whole political spectrum. To the voters of Eric Zemmour, the president of Reconquest! : “France no longer has time to watch its patriotic voices disperse. You fear migratory flooding, so vote for those who can stop it. » To right-wing supporters: “You are attached to work, to merit, to authority, to order, to a certain idea of ​​France: look who has taken up the torch. »

The boss of the RN even called on “French people who have had their hearts on the left for a long time and who despair of seeing the left lose its republican compass”portraying Jean-Luc Mélenchon as “chaos engineer”. An incongruous reprise of the title of the work by Giuliano da Empoli (JC Lattès, 2019), through which the Italian-Swiss author analyzes the assorted profiles – laptop scientists, political activists, communicators, bloggers, polemicists – at work to surf on the anger of voters and convey to energy a number of the pals or fashions of the RN, in Hungary (Viktor Orban), within the United States (Donald Trump) or in Italy (Matteo Salvini).

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