Images of the muscular intervention of the Los Angeles police | EUROtoday

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LThe scenario was now not tenable. Twenty-four hours after violent clashes between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli activists, the Los Angeles police (LAPD) dismantled the camp arrange every week in the past at UCLA University. More than 200 folks have been arrested. After cleansing up the camp in Columbia on Tuesday night, Joe Biden, to whom this disaster could possibly be pricey in November, insisted: “Order must prevail.”

The camp, arrange every week in the past, had been declared “illegal” by the college, particularly due to the chants calling for the Intifada, “which caused deep anxiety and fear among our Jewish students.” college president Gene Block stated on Wednesday.

LBD and stun grenades

Around 2 a.m., a primary unit of LAPD law enforcement officials tried to power an entry. But the human chain of demonstrators doesn’t give in, notably utilizing open umbrellas to withstand the cost.

About 90 minutes later, the police returned, this time supported by officers in riot gear. Stun grenades, hearth extinguishers, LBD photographs… The police extricate the demonstrators one after the other and advance implacably regardless of the limitations and different wood planks.

Biden offers voice

Order returns within the early morning. A protracted clean-up operation can start, with lawns strewn with garbage and torn tents. It may also be essential to erase all of the “Free Palestine” and different “No to Zionism” tags on the partitions of the Royce Hall constructing.

Faced with a disaster coming into its third week, Joe Biden raised his voice: “We are not an authoritarian country that silences people […] but order must prevail. » “Violent demonstrations are not protected. Vandalism, forceful intrusion, breaking windows, blocking campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes or graduation ceremonies, none of this falls within the scope of peaceful demonstration,” insisted the American president.