A brand new marketing campaign is meant to teach younger folks about structural improvement within the Lusatian and Central German areas. Regional Development Minister Thomas Schmidt (CDU) and the German Children and Youth Foundation introduced the venture underneath the motto “You're doing well here!” on Saturday collectively in Rothenburg/Oberlausitz, because the ministry introduced. “We have to win over the young generation and encourage them to stay here or come back,” mentioned Schmidt. “Because the future is being created here, but this requires every clever mind and every hands-on hand in the areas.”

The marketing campaign's messages start with “POV” – brief for “Point of View”, a well-liked format on social networks by which customers create brief movies from the angle of a particular individual or determine. The younger folks ought to be inspired to participate and take care of the structural change within the area. Three initiatives are at present introduced on the marketing campaign web site. One of those is the “Neiße-Bolzer”, which was created on the request of younger folks within the Lodenau district of Rothenburg. Football targets had been welded as a part of a youngsters and youth workshop.

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