The Toro de Lidia Foundation prices in opposition to Urtasun's “new censorship exercise”: “He ignores almost everything about culture, which is independent of his personal tastes” | EUROtoday

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The Fundacin Toro de Lidia who presides Victorino Martn has reacted forcefully “to the news that appeared in the media about the upcoming elimination of the National Bullfighting Award by the Ministry of Culture” and denounces “the new censorship exercise promoted by the Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun.”

“Minister Urtasun” -continues the assertion despatched by the FTL- ​​”knows almost everything about the culture“, particularly certainly one of its most vital facets, which is that tradition doesn’t depend upon what a minister thinks, however on what a folks in freedom expresses.”

And he continues: “Bullfighting is experiencing a rare second of nice vitality. Every 12 months bullrings are reopened that the inquisitorial want of some political choices closed of their day. “Every day thousands of young people freely approach the bulls, defying the sad attempts that have been made to put an end to bullfighting culture.”

Bullfighting, traditionally uncared for by the Government of Spain, the Central Administration, within the State's common budgets -65,000 euros divided between the 30,000 of the National Bullfighting Prize and the endowment of 35,000 to the Foundation are a joke-, is attacked once more: “A Minister of Culture cannot exercise his powers based on his personal preferences, he has the obligation to promote and encourage all cultural manifestations, among which is bullfighting”.

Urtasun eliminates the National Bullfighting Award: “The Spaniards do not understand that animal torture is rewarded with public money”

And the assertion concludes with the information that it is going to be the Foundation itself that may award the 2024 National Bullfighting Prize whereas the distinctive state of affairs lasts: “It is irrelevant in practice that a Minister of Culture who will only be around for a few years removes some awards that They will return as soon as there is another minister who is aware of the need to respect the entire culture of this country, the that is to your taste and that which is not. Because the freedom of artistic creation and access to culture is independent of the preferences of political power.”


For his half, the president of National Association of Bullfighting Show Organizers (ANOET), and businessman of the Monumental de las Ventas, Rafael García Garridoconsiders the choice to eradicate the National Bullfighting Prize from its cultural recognitions, “a decision as arbitrary as it is sectarian and a kind of unnecessary and unfair punishment for 11 million Spaniards who, according to data from that ministry, go to bullfighting.”

Garrido believes that “signifying a cultural activity in such a negative way by law is a humiliation of a productive cultural sector whose contribution to Spain's GDP and to the public coffers is much more important than the majority of cultural activities in this country. However, will tell the men and women of Bullfighting that the best prize is the health and vitality that bullfighting currently has. And that is a real award for everyone's work that needs no more recognition than our pride and our dedication to an art and a passion that makes us better in tolerance and respect.”


The president of the Royal Union of Fighting Bull Breeders, Antonio Bauelosacknowledged that “the traditions of the people make history because they are theirs…. The politicians are passing by. Bullfighting has suffered this way for centuries. Culture is freedom and does not understand ideologies. A minister of culture is there to defend and “promote the nation's tradition by enhancing it and never making use of censorship.”

Javier Nez, a rancher from La Palmosilla, thinks that the minister “is devoted to this technique of confrontation between each other. And he intends, together with his motion to eradicate the National Bullfighting Prize awarded by his ministry, to construct a wall in opposition to the one tradition.” popular as deeply rooted as bullfighting. I want to tell the minister that his initiative is going to fail miserably. Every step against bullfighting only fuels curiosity about bullfighting, as he demonstrates. the great attendance (paying) to the bullfighting shows of the first fairs of the season“. And concludes Nez, one of many elite ranchers of the exercise: “But not only that. There is an increasing interest in knowing the life of the bull in the countryside and there are many ranchers that have become first-class tourist agents. So the more it attacks us, the stronger it makes us. The minister knows that he is lying. I am an environmentalist and animalist bullfighter. And that is a truth that a thousand lies will not be able to cover.”


“This decision is a discrimination against one of the most important cultural traditions of our rural world. We are all rural. And the people of the rural world are the conservatives of the environment and who protect animals the most and best, Let those who do not care for or know the animals or their environment do not talk to us about animal welfare. “I can’t perceive how tradition is ideologized and exactly a Minister of Culture applies censorship to a cultural exercise rooted within the folks of our nation.”